[bit.listserv.allmusic] The Dead Dead

ROBINSHG%WWPS%dupont.com@RELAY.CS.NET (Herb Robinson, III) (02/09/90)

> Well someone on this list replied personally to me & said that Garcia died...
> (I will leave the person anonymous, so they don't catch any trouble....)
>                                         Minstrel.

    Perhaps they misheard the story.  Last year (or it may have been even
longer ago than that), Jerry Garcia WAS in a coma for a good while, and from
what I understand, he is now a diabetic (the coma being a result of the onset
of diabetes).  However, the Grateful Dead (including Jerry) are still up and
moving around and touring and recording and all of that good stuff.  Now that
I think about it, it was probably more like a couple of years ago, because I
seem to recall a story about Jerry not being able to sample Ben & Jerry's
"Cherry Garcia" ice cream because of the diabetes, and that was at least two
or three years ago.

    While I was thinking about this stuff, something just occured to me.
"Death" and "Dead" seem to be fairly popular words to use in the names of
bands.  Now, this is the kind of stupid thing that will keep me up at night:
trying to think of all the bands that use "Death" and "Dead" in their
names.  I'll list below all of the ones I can think of off the top of my
head, but if I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.  If you people could
help me out with any others, I would be most appreciative.  Please respond
directly to me to avoid "list clutter."  Let's see now...

    The Grateful Dead (of course!), The Dead, Death, The Dead Milkmen,
The Dead Kennedys, D.O.A. (I suppose), Christian Death, Dead Flowers
(a Stones cover band), Megadeth (reaching a little), Creeping Death,
Death of Samantha, and one of the bands that existed at my college,
Reeking Gym Socks of Death.  I'm sure there are about 10^5 hardcore
bands I'm forgetting...

Herb the Frustrated

CM193C@GWUVM.BITNET (Michael Rosen) (02/09/90)

Jerry Garcia was in a coma in 1986.  I remember because I was on a trip in Isra
el that summer and I remember we heard stories that he had died...  Turned out
to be a coma...  Stories can get twisted traveling overseas, I would imagine.
