[bit.listserv.allmusic] Acting out Dead Kennedys ...

GRUTZ@UNTVAX.BITNET (California.. Uber Alles) (02/09/90)

In my previous band (Jr High - Jr. Year in High School) we played alot of
"punk" style...  The last year I was in it, we got into the Sr. Talent Show (by
accident.. *grin*  we were just Juniors...) Well, our "plan" was to start out
playing the DK song "California Uber Alles" and then swap into the *owww, the
mind hurts now... i can't think of it!!* other song.. They did it on their last
album... They were on the Music Awards show and that got 'em booted around a

Well, we never got to finish it...  When we played our first song, then started
doing CA Uber Alles.. they pulled the plug and closed the curtains... *grin*
guess they couldn't take a joke..... :)


ps: and we were even after the jazz band performed! (which both me and the
bassist were in.. :)