[bit.listserv.allmusic] Ah-Oooooooo, Werewolves of London

ROBINSHG%WWPS%dupont.com@RELAY.CS.NET (Herb Robinson, III) (02/10/90)

> something like
> "brother johnny has two guns drawn
>  he ain't been right since vietnam
> a warren zevon fan
> Domino
> dave

    I must've missed a post somehow.  Did somebody want the lyrics to
"Play it All Night Long" or something?  If someone does, let me know; I'll
be more than happy to send them to you.  But speaking of Warren, does
anybody know if his older albums ("Excitable Boy", "Bad Luck Streak...",
the live one, etc.) are available on CD?  He's another one that I figured
would be popular on CD, but I have yet to see anything but his last two on

Herb the Frustrated
A Warren Zevon fan up until "Sentimental Hygiene"

P.S.  It's funny that somebody mentioned "Werewolves of London" today,
because my wife and I were dancing around the apartment last night singing
along with "Werewolves" seeing who could do the loudest "Ah-Ooooooo."
Try it next time you're smashed!  It's great fun!

"Gorilla, you're a Desperado"