[bit.listserv.allmusic] Beer....


I can't really argue with Mr. Beer's beer choices, but I would like to add to
it.  First, get your Canadian beer in Canada, the stuff they send to the USA is
the cheap, watery stuff. They keep the best for themselves.

Foster's (AUSSIE) is good, but try Thos. Cooper (they have an ale, a porter, and
a lager). Pretty good ,too.  MUSICAL CONTENT: I have a picture of the Sex Pistol
 talking to an English Bobbie (cop). Johnny Rotten has a Foster's Oil Can in his
hand ( and his fly is wide open.) Pretty funny......

Anyway, for American beers, try some of the smaller, microbreweries, such as
Anchor Steam (from San Francisco), and Catamount (in Vermont). Sam Adams Boston
Lager (made in Pittsburg!?) is good too...

As for Corona, why do you think you have put a lime in it? *:)
                                             Bottoms up......            HD

U6183@WVNVM.BITNET (Mike Karolchik) (02/13/90)

O.L.C. (Obligatory Listowner Comment): Nice discussion guys, but
could we stick with the music topic? If you ever decide to start
a BEER-L list, let me know.

listowner guy

SEG92@GENESEO.BITNET (the Talking Drum) (02/13/90)

  Okay, this has nothing to do with beer.  I was just trying to save myself
20 minutes of typing.  :)
     Anybody out there know . . . (wait a minute--anybody out there?  I've only
gotten like 11 mail messages in the past two days!  Of course, that *does* make
it easier for me to answer in depth . . . ).  I was saying . . . anybody out
there know the lyrics to Should I Stay or Should I Go by the Clash?  Not the
english ones, the Spanish obscenities that they yell in the third verse.  Our
band is doing the song, and I'm singing (?) that part.
 . . . the  . . . talking . . . drum . . .


I'm behind guys, so I'd like to put my two cents in....

I think Moosehead is the best beer to be bought on this side of the

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But Mad Dog 20/20 makes my weekends.....*8p
