[bit.listserv.allmusic] Stupid Line Noise!!!!

GWO101@URIACC.BITNET (Michael Lehnertz (Drummer)) (02/08/90)

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Date:         Wed, 07 Feb 90 23:18:24 EST
From:        "Michael Lehnertz (Drummer)" <GWO101@URIACC>
Subject:      Re: Peart and others
To:           Discussions on all forms of Music <ALLMUSIC@AUVM>
In-Reply-To:  Message of Wed, 7 Feb 90 08:24:00 EST from <LIZAK98@SNYBUFVA>

   Record contracts do not show a drummer's talent. Get real. Only a fool
will believe that, and if you do, you are a fool. I never said the Smithereens
were God like. Neil is a bum. The only reason that people think Neil is so
great is because they can't grasp the technical density of Vinnie or Dave or
Jeff. Most of you don't rate drummers on the drummer, you rate it on the band.
If Vinnie played with Rush, you would all want to lick his boots.

                                    - Drummer -
:Michael Lehnertz (D Discussions on all   2/07/90*Peart and others

ST402711@BROWNVM.BITNET (Tim Johnson) (02/09/90)

Okay - you guys win.

Here I am - back from Pizza and Movies just for you.
I hope y'all appreciate this.

So, here comes the Top Ten for the week.  Hold on
to your hats....

First, the raspberries of the week.  FOUR of them this

Raspberry number 1)  Drummer (of course) for posting 15 in one day.
Raspberry number 2)  Domino Dave (you finally get yours) for also posting
                     15 in a single day.
Raspberry number 3)  The Talking Drum for posting the most this week.
                     62 postings, guy.  (Looks like you'll be up for
                     the 'get a life award' soon....)
Raspberry number 4)  And this week's Get a Life goes to the poster who
                     felt it necessary to butt into our list with a
                     pendantic discussion of racism.  Hey, if we want
                     to rant and rave about it, that's bad enough.  We
                     don't need some outsider playing ambulance chaser
                     and hopping on to our list to enlighten us.
                     Phbbbllllllt! to you PSAWTELL!
Raspberry number 5)  I know this is unscheduled, but I'd like to give
                     the above gentleperson a second raspberry.  So there.
Raspberry number 6)  What the hell...to me for giving out gratuitous
                     raspberries and editorial comments.

Okay, so where was I.

Oh yes, those of you who were trying to guess...this weeks top
poster is...

 1)  Not Drummer!

  HA!  Just kidding you there, Drummer, yes, it is you.

 1)  Drummer                      with 272 postings.
     For those of you who guessed it correctly, consider
     applications to MENSA.  Yes, Drummer has done it
     again...  And I'm running out of amusing things to
     say here.  So, on a completely unrelated note...
     What do you have if you have four lawyers buried up
     to their necks in sand?  Not enough sand.  Okay, not
     particularly topical, but good for a yuk or two.  Any
     lawyers out there who feel offended, please remember,
     I am a grad student.  So go ahead and sue me.  I'll
     turn over to you all of my debts.  And did anyone notice
     that Drummer posted a favorite Rush song?  Gosh, Drummer,
     maybe you aren't such a bad guy after all...

 2)  Domino Dave                  with 150 postings.
     OMIGOD!  A shakeup at the top!  Mark Hessman, part of
     the Rhode Island Dynamic Duo has Fallen!  Domino Dave
     has toppled him....  Mike Rosen, The Overseer, Mark
     Hessman....  Is Drummer next?  Is that why they call
     it the Domino Effect?  For answers to these and other
     questions...don't look at me, I just work here....

 3)  Mark Hessman                 with 141 postings.
     Mark has fallen from grace.  It may be just 9 postings,
     but it is a huge 9 postings.  The RI stranglehold has
     been broken.  Sorry big guy.

 4)  The Overseer                 with 134 postings.
     The Overseer, inspired by several top ten stars, has
     surged back up to spot four.  These middle spots are
     becoming a tight race again.  How will the cards fall
     next week?  One thing is for certain, the Overseer had
     better watch out, because...

 5)  Mike Rosen                   with 131 postings.
     yes, Mike has been bumped again.  But each time it happens
     he has come back with a vengeance.  The number 4 spot is
     Mike's spot.  Will he be able to overthrow the overseer,
     or is this finally the end for Mike's #4 dreams?

 6)  Krrrrrrraaaazzy Krentz       with 108 postings.
     Michele, the Evil K, after having the Inspector for
     lunch last week, has followed it up by making short
     work of Kevin Behrens.  Dumping him unceremoniously
     out of the number 6 position and leaving him in the
     dust, she laughs and mocks him from the comfortable
     safety of a 27 posting margin...then turning, with
     a wicked smile, sets her sights on Mike Rosen.

 7)  Kevin Behrens                with  81 postings.
     Kevin has finally fallen, but at least now he can rest
     easy.  He is out of the bitter competition of the top
     ten rat race, he can post peacefully and lick his wounds
     in a comfortable number 7 spot.  He thinks to himself,
     "I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Michele.  Broads
     are nothing but trouble.  But even so...another time,
     another place...away from the pressures of the top ten,
     she and I could have made beautiful music together...."

 8)  bob gaj                      with  75 postings.
     The Inspector is holding in at number 8 in the top ten,
     though nodemate Kevin Behrens' mooning over Michele is
     turning his stomach.  He also can't seem to get Kevin to
     listen - Michele was not the only threat they have faced.
     No indeed, there is a new face in the top ten, aiming for
     glory at Bob and Kevin's expense.  All is fair in love and
     war and the allmusic top ten, and there is a newcomer looking
     for a piece of the pie.  I'm speaking, of course, of...

 9)  Talking Drum                 with  67 postings.
     Yes, the talking drum.  Another drummer out to make his mark.
     Will he be a hit, or will he roll over?  Can he stick it out?
     Snare a position higher in the ranks?  Will he ride out the
     list upheaval, or will he crash cymbolically, beaten?

10)  Top Ten Tim                  with  65 postings.
     You bet, guys.  I'm still on the list.  And I'm settling for
     number 10 most grudgingly.  You see, if the extremely talkative
     drum hadn't let slip that he was also ARD90, *I* would have been
     up there at number nine.  Integrity is such a terrible burden.

15)  The Listowner Guy            with  51 postings.
     Well, now I feel bad.  The listowner guy was only after a moment
     of glory he could call his own.  He had his day in the sun of the
     top ten, and now he is dropping back, deep in the ranks.  But, let
     me take this moment to offer an unpaid political announcement.
     Re: the recent list riots...when the listowner guy talks - y'all
     should listen.  Of course, we did settle down and are continuing
     happily....but this is a plug for his authority and judgement.

Okay, drop outs, drop ins and other changes.  For those of you who can't
figure it out for yourselves, or prefer the condensed version, here is
the USA Today picture of the changes to the list -

n.n. Preston   :-(

talking drum   :-)

positions 2-5  %-\

me             :-{E   (I grew a beard...)  (the thing before the E is
                                            supposed to be a curly bracket,
                                            in case the translation wasn't

Meaningless numbers that as long as I have I will post, even
though noone pays attention.

Total postings to date (k.g.)  2456    Total postings this week  528
avg per day                      35    avg per day                75

Seventy Five postings per day!  Sheesh - don't you guys have jobs?
Up from the excesses of last week.

Reader Mail:
  Domino Dave fails to ask where the top ten is.  Panic spreads.

  Larry Nix suggests "the Top Ten, is it worth it?"
  Tim replies "Hey, Larry, are you some kind of communist, or what?"

  To all of those of you who have, in private or public, said good
  things about the Top Ten - Thanks.  (One gratuitous gold star for
  all of you to share (*)  )  (So, what's the deal here, Tim,
  is gratuitous your new SAT word of the week?)

Continued reminder for those of you who don't regularly print the
top ten out and stick it on your wall:

******** Official allmusic relay channel is 219 ***********

Hey, I have to get outaheah.  So, we'll just end this edition here.
Well, we'll end it with an anecdote.  In my youth, in college, when
2 am rolled around and the bar owners threw us out,
the old greek guy would send us home with his heavily accented
"Hey - Go home make babies"  So, listers and listettes (?)

  Go on - Go home make babies!



>   Larry Nix suggests "the Top Ten, is it worth it?"
>   Tim replies "Hey, Larry, are you some kind of communist, or what?"
  Da Comrad, ve are tryink to comprehent yu cepetelistic veys

                                   das bedonya

R1SE@SDSUMUS.BITNET (Dave) (02/14/90)

(I don't want to worry all of you, so I will do this as a public

Tim, Where's the #$&^%(#((^_*_(&#@#&^ TOP TEN?

"Do not stand in the shadows)