[bit.listserv.allmusic] Peter Gabriel and the name game


     All you Gabriel album-names speculators: I have heard that Peter Gabriel
  was against naming those albums (_Security_ , _So_), but Geffen was afraid to
  confuse people by releasing another album titled "Peter Gabriel"... I guess
  they were afraid that his fans wouldn't know when he had a new release out.
  I don't think it makes that much difference, but I hate it whenever the
  powers-that-be go against the harmless wishes of the artist who they are
  supposed to be supporting and representing, don't you?
     Speaking of Peter Gabriel, someone just gave me the _Plays Live_ CD...
  what a great present!
     Derlect: Gabriel EGO burdened?  Can you explain that one for me, please?
     R_GELINA: Hmmm... sorry. I just happen to work late (9:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  weeknights), and although I can login from home via PC/modem, I value my
  free time too much to waste it on the 'puter... heh heh. Just joking... I
  actually check my mail from home usually within an hour or so of waking up,
  but I save my replies for when things slow down here at work.

                        I wish you were here to see it!
