[bit.listserv.allmusic] No high school diploma for P*art??

SEG92@GENESEO.BITNET (the Talking Drum) (02/28/90)

It is my understanding that Rush did not get rid of Rutsey, he got rid of
them.  Rutsey wasn't that bad . . . well, yeah he was.  I understand, though,
that he just couldn't (didn't want to) deal with the stresses of touring.  I'd
love a chance to talk to the guy, though.
--the Talking Drum

GRUTZ@UNTVAX.BITNET (This is a blank formatted personal name) (03/01/90)

Hmmm... I'd like to meet Rutsey so I could laugh at his face.. :)  wonder
what he's doing now - anyone have any ideas?   maybe he's got a record
shop somewhere..... and they have all the back tapes of RUSH before they
toured... and posters.. and (boy am I taking a chance at this) N*il P*art
paraphenalia... :):):):):):):)
