[bit.listserv.linkfail] BANUFS11/BANUFS12 downtime

DAULIE@RKC.UFSIA.AC.BE (Michel Daulie) (02/06/90)

The UFSIA computing center is being reallocated to a new building involving
physical movement of *all* equipment.
Consequently nodes BANUFS11 and BANUFS12 will be down from february 19th
and will resume operations earliest on february 23th 1990 if no problems
are encountered.
As BANUFS11 is part of the TRICKLE redistribution system it may be necessary
to keep an eye on the upstream spool situation caused by undeliverable mail
Users of the TRICKLE system are urged to wait until february 26th for their
mail requests.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Michel Daulie
Node Manager BANUFS11/BANUFS12

P.S.: Everybody specialised in crossing fingers and knocking wood is kindly
      invited to join us...