[bit.listserv.liaison] Library Automation & Networking

ZIMMERMAN1@WOOSTER.BITNET (Carl Zimmerman) (02/10/90)

Are there any libray automation systems that work well in a network

The College of Wooster is currently in the beginning stages of automating the
college library.  On-line catalog, circulation control, serials control,
acquisitions, and media booking are all eventually to be included in the
system.  After listening to several vendor presentations of their systems I am
uncertain about their "user-friendliness" in a network situation.  Many of the
current systems seem tied to yesterday's dumb terminals and none to today's
personal computer interface -- in our case the Mac.  Our environment is a
campus-wide broadband cable carrying ethernet to LocalTalk networks in about 20
academic and residential buildings.  There are about 300 Macs on the network.

If any of you networkers have any [good OR bad ;-)] experience with a library
automation system on a  network I'd like to hear from you.  Please send your
comments privately to me (I don't want to upset any vendors or librarians).
For those who respond, I'll be glad to summarize results.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Carl Zimmerman
Director, Academic Computer Services
The College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio  44691
(216) 263-2283