[bit.listserv.liaison] Software for Transcription

RTRAVSKY@UWYO.BITNET (Richard W Travsky) (02/11/90)

Saw this on the ANTHRO-L list and thot I'd pass it on here:

Date:         Fri, 9 Feb 90 12:26:07 MST
Sender:       General Anthropology Bulletin Board <ANTHRO-L@UBVM>
From:         "Robert T. Trotter, II" <CMSRTT01@NAUVM.BITNET>

The nature of my ethnographic research dictates that I record very
lengthy interviews. Many of the interviews are extremely open ended
and it is common to reinterview a particular informant multiple
times. For every hour of interview, I face between four and six
hours of transcription, since I feel I need verbatim transcripts,
rather than summaries, for analysis. There is new software/hardware
available that has been discussed on a couple of networks that
allows visually impaired individuals to hear their screens. I would
like to know if there is any equipment that would allow us to move
information in the other direction. We need to be able to play a
tape and have it transcribed into the computer. Does anyone out
there know if all or part of this processes can be accomplished?

I would be happy to summarize any responses sent to me, for the
network. RTT.