[bit.listserv.edtech] conference announcement

HUNTER@UNCAEDU.BITNET (Education Technology Unit) (02/08/90)

EMBATTLED BOOKS: The State of the Text is a conference
concerned with the current and future role of books in
society and in education.

Dates:  March 22-24, 1990

Full conference fee: $85.00

Key Speakers:
        Michael Apple on Texbook Ideology
        James Moffett on School Censorship Struggles
        Aritha van Herk on Authors' Textual Dis/placement
        Deanne Bogdan on Readers' Re-educated Imaginations

Additional papers cover such topics as textual self-effacements, deconstructive
pedagogies, film and gender politics, and more.

Ample time will be allowed for interdisciplinary discussion of these issues
by the writers, librarians, educators and scholars attending the conference.

EMBATTLED BOOKS is being coordinated by the Faculty of Continuing Education
of The University of Calgary.

For more information or registration details, contact the conference
director, Dr. John Willinsky at 702 Educ. Tower, The University of Calgary,
2500 University Dr., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4

telephone (403) 220-5639
fax       (403) 289-7564