SMUIR@UA1VM.BITNET (Scott P. Muir) (02/02/90)
I have two comments concerning NUGM. 1. Since the current structure (based on the last meeting) appears to be pre"Conference" workshops, then two days of NUGM, why not make the following change or some varriation. Day 1: Details of the new release oriented toward TECH1 and LIB1, and hold the special workshops on authorities, etc. Day 2: Continue above and allow time for informal discussions, including members of the SIGs. Some of the tracks could start on Day 2. Day 3: Hold the regular tracks for the various SIGs, etc. This will meet the needs of both sides of the camp. Those who are interested in everything should be allowed to attend all three days. Those with limited funds or time can attend the portions applicable to them. As a LIB1 who expects to bring up OPAC, Cataloging and Circulation this year, I would attend all three days of such a meeting/conference. The second area of my comments address those who are concerned about the costs and time involved: At the University of Alabama we have invested the following: $99,500 for the NOTIS LMS software, $10,000 for GTO, we have hired a programmer to work on NOTIS, considerable time has been spent establishing CICS regions, we have purchased over 100 terminals, 21 disk packs, controllers, we have a share of an IBM 3090, we have installed intra-campus cabling between the libraries and the the computer center, etc. The above list goes on in terms of purchases and expenses. Additionally, we have a enormous investment in human resources. I hesitate to guess the number of hours invested in the implementation in this project to date and by the implementation of production. Once all modules are implemented, there is not a full time or student member of our staff who will not be using NOTIS regularly in their job. The impact of NOTIS on our staff, our patrons, and our institution will tremendous. As automation continues to play an ever increasing role in the way we provide services in libraries, it is imperative that we stay current and fully aware of ALL of the capabilities of the systems we buy. We need to be able to maximize our investments in time and reources. In terms of NUGM. I plan to go to the entire program. I will do so even it lasts five days. With the investment we have, we cannot afford NOT to attend. Like several other I apologize for the length of this message. Also, please excuse my typos.
LIBDAVS@INDST.BITNET (Betty Bartlett Davis) (02/02/90)
Another message concerning NUGM: In my experience it is very important for the line supervisors to attend the counterpart discussion groups at NUGM. For example, a few years ago I attempted to "cover" the Acquisitions Interest Group meeting in the absence of our Head of Acquisitions. I was more familiar with the Acquisitions System than many Lib I's may be, but I was aware that the discussion was less valuable for my institution than it would have been had the Acquisitions supervisor attended. Let's keep NUGM a meeting of the real "users"! Betty B. Davis, Assoc. Dean for Tech. Serv., Indiana State Univ.