APERRY@BINGVMB.BITNET (Andrew Perry) (02/02/90)
A request I have been dreading has finally surfaced, a major collection shift. Naturally, in order to facilitate this, I am supposed to change the locations on all records in a particular LC classification. Identifying these records is not difficult with SAS. However, I have little idea about how to update the copy/holdings record. (assume that the new location is location and a sublocation). Has anyone else out there had to do this sort of thing? Any hints on technique or code you want to share would be greatly appreciated (SAS or other languages)! Andy Perry Library Systems SUNY Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13902-6012 (607) 777-4331
ADLB001@MVS.MCGILL.CA (Ron Johnston) (02/02/90)
In reply to Andy Perry's question about wholesale changes of location: Our contacts at Notis Systems offered to send us a program from Northwestern which is NOT part of the product and is not supported by NSI, ie problems caused are yours not theirs. This was a couple of years ago and their policies may have changed. However the program presumably still exists over in Northwestern. I expect it needs adapted if you are MVS. It probably also needs local customization. Our people have shifted collections several times and I believe they changed locations the hard way, one record at a time, except prior to our third and final load of our MARC records. I would prefer to see an online function which would accept a "new location" code and then would accept any number of barcodes. Then when a shipment of items arrived in the new location, the process of updating the system would amount to reading in all the barcodes. This would amount to a quasi-real-time location change. Am I dreaming in technicolor? Ron Johnston, McGill University, Montreal