[bit.listserv.notis-l] Availability of IBM 3163 terminals

FAC2608@UOFT01.BITNET (David Reiman (419) 537-2760) (02/07/90)

We recently placed an order for IBM 3163 terminals with the ALA
character set cartridge, and we were told by our local IBM office that
these terminals have "no scheduled recovery date," which means that they
are no longer available and will likely be withdrawn from production.
Apparently the 3164 (the color version of this terminal), which is
approximately twice the cost of the 3163, is still available.  IBM
recommends that we purchase either 3164s or PS/2s running YTERM -- both
very costly alternatives.  Have others experienced problems acquiring

BURGETT@LIBRARY.RICE.EDU (Mary Burgett) (02/07/90)

As IBM was planning to phase out the 3163 terminals, they were working on
a follow-up terminal. They are offering a 3151 with an ALA character set
cartridge--just as cheap as the 3163 terminals. I know it was tested in
libraries--including Northwestern. Maybe your IBM rep is not familiar with
the product line.

Mary Burgett
Rice University