ULDBEV@UBVM.BITNET (Beverly Vander Kooy) (02/07/90)
SUNY at Buffalo has a Corporate Borrower program. We are currently running our Circulation on GEAC, however we plan to continue the identical senario on BISON (NOTIS). We have individual records and individual cards for all Corporate borrowers. We assign one due date per Corporation. The cards have no expiration date; privileges are controlled by the online patron record expiration date. We have a database on a PC (DBASEIII) and are able to send a renewal letter (with current list of borrowers) to each Corporation one month prior to renewal. We find this system works very well for us. If you would like particulars, please contact me. Beverly Vander Kooy SUNY at Buffalo University Libraries Computer Operations 214 Capen Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 (716)636-2965 ULDBEV@UBVM