[bit.listserv.infonets] Help with Moscow link


To: alan@METO.UMD.EDU,info-nets@think.com
>Date:         Fri, 2 Feb 90 17:36:51 est
>From:         Alan Robock <alan@METO.UMD.EDU>
>Subject:      Help with Moscow link
>A friend of mine in Leningrad has just set up an account for me on
>an email system in Moscow, and I am trying to find out how to log
>onto it.  All I know so far is that its network address is
>(0)2502040300 and it is called IASNET.  Have you heard about it?
>Do you know how I can use it?

It sounds like you should be able to log in via GTE Telenet; call them at
800-336-0437 and explain that the number above is a X.25 address (2502 is the
data network identification code for IASNET and the rest is the NUA number).

Now a question to the readership of Info-nets: given an address like the above,
and a mailbox, can one send e-mail to it?

P.S. Alan, I'd appreciate a lot of you let me know if you find out anything
that you think is of interest. Thanks!!

Dimitri Vulis

WL_Bast%pttrnl.nl@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Willem Bast 070-3326265) (02/05/90)

> A friend of mine in Leningrad has just set up an account for me on
> an email system in Moscow, and I am trying to find out how to log
> onto it.  All I know so far is that its network address is
> (0)2502040300 and it is called IASNET.  Have you heard about it?
> Do you know how I can use it?
>           Thanks.
>  (Please reply to my email address rather than to the list, as I am
> not a subscriber to the list.)
That is a DNIC + NUA. To my surprise, I can set up a XXX connection to
it from here (Netherlands) with the following result:
$ pad 02502040300

               You are connected  to the Communication Node of
                Institute for Automated Systems, Moscow, USSR
                    Moscow Time: Mon Feb  5 13:13:22 1990

                 Enter your ID >
                 Enter your psw>

                         Login incorrect
Info-netters: Don't start trying all off you now ! It is a very slow line
and setting up a connection will probably cost you or your empoyers a lot of
