[bit.listserv.pagemakr] does anyone import ASCII or DOS text into PageMaker PC?


Does anyone out there, besides me, ever place ASCII or DOS text into PageMakr
on the PC?

If so please respond, I'm trying to fix a problem with hard returns, you can
respond to me personally to avoid excess noise to all the serious MAC users
on this list
Cindy Stone, Training & Communications Specialist     ___   II   ___
        Department of Physical Plant                   U    II    U
                Indiana University - Bloomington       U    II    U
                                                        U   II   U
(Home of Bobby Knight and the Hurryin' Hoosiers, but        II
I'd hate to admit such a tyrant, but brilliant coach,       II
works at the same school I do...)
                                                        "GO EYE-YEW"
Bitnet Address:         STONEC@IUGOLD
Internet Address:       STONEC@GOLD.UCS.INDIANA.EDU
Snailmail Address:      912 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN  47405