[bit.listserv.pagemakr] do your dingbats show?


When you put dingbats into your publication for printing on a postscript
printer, do the dingbats show on your screen?  Mine don't -- they show
up as characters (e.g., the pencil shows up as a capital O).

Is there a screen font you can buy for PM users using a postscript set up?

Thanks !

P.S.  Does anyone besides me use MicroGrafx Designer for creating graphics
for PM?   Feel free to respond directly to avoid excess noise....
Cindy Stone, Training & Communications Specialist     ___   II   ___
        Department of Physical Plant                   U    II    U
                Indiana University - Bloomington       U    II    U
                                                        U   II   U
(Home of Bobby Knight and the Hurryin' Hoosiers, but        II
I'd hate to admit such a tyrant, but brilliant coach,       II
works at the same school I do...)
                                                        "GO EYE-YEW"
Bitnet Address:         STONEC@IUGOLD
Internet Address:       STONEC@GOLD.UCS.INDIANA.EDU
Snailmail Address:      912 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN  47405