[bit.listserv.pagemakr] Computer Publishing Bibiliography

MSTONER@PUCC.BITNET (Michael Stoner) (02/12/90)

This is a bibliography of BASIC references I distribute to fledgling publishers
during my classes in computer publishing at Princeton. Itattempts to meet
their needs for introductions to graphic arts and design, and attempts to be
platform-neutral. In my intro to the course, I stress the need to be aware
of the skills a good computer publisher needs: well-developed editorial,
design, and computer skills (not just one of the three!)


_The Art and Technology of Typography_. Compugraphic Type
Corporation, 1988 (Type Division, 90 Industrial Way, Wilmington, MA
      Free, basic, and excellent guide to traditional and high-tech
graphic arts. Compugraphic manufactures high-end computerized
typesetting equipment and is now releasing its fonts for the

_The Chicago Manual of Style_. 13th edition. The University of
Chicago Press, 1969, 1982.
      A standard style guide that book editors and proofreaders use to
ensure stylistic consistency, the Chicago Manual also deals with
questions of manuscript marking and other prepress concerns.

_Font & Function_. The Adobe Type Catalog. Free from Adobe
Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 7900, Mountain View, California 94039-7900.

Holmes, Nigel. _Designer| Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams_.
Watson-Gupthill, 1984.
      Info on  creating interesting graphics by the _Time Magazine_
designer who invented "infographics."

National Association of Desktop Publishers (NADTP), P.O. Box 508,
Kenmore Station, Boston, MA 02215-9998.
      Services and information for desktop publishers (all platforms).
Publishes quarterly journal, tabloid, discounts on books. Write for
membership rates.

Parker, Roger C. _Looking Good in Print: A Guide to Basic Design for
Desktop Publishing_. Ventana Press, 1988.
      Very basic guide with good illustrations. Good for beginners.

______ _The Aldus Guide to Basic Design_. Aldus Corp., 1987.
      A short introduction to graphic design written for PageMaker
users. Covers the basics; more succinct than _Looking Good in

_Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Handbook_ 13th edition. International
Paper, 1988.
A classic reference in the design and printing industry, Pocket Pal
covers topics relating to design, prepress production, and printing in
a handy format that fits (guess where?)--in your pocket.

_Publish!_ PCW Communications, Inc. 501 Second St., San Francisco,
CA 94107. $39.90/12 issues. Call 800-222-2990 to order.
      Monthly magazine about desktop publishing. Covers Macintosh and
PC platforms. Reviews software, provides general articles.

Romano, Frank. _The TypEncyclopedia: A User|s Guide to Better
Typography_. R.R. Bowker Co., 1984.
      A classic introduction to classic typography.

Tufte, Edward R. _The Visual Display of Quantitative Information_.
Graphics Press, 1984.

White, Jan V. _Editing by Design: A Guide to Effective Word-And-
Picture Communication for Editors and Designers_. 3rd edition. R.R.
Bowker, 1982.
A classic text. Contains examples of grids and other design