[bit.listserv.nodmgt-l] BITNET NODELST in ERROR !!!!!

U001213@HNYKUN11.BITNET (Hans-Ulrich Giese) (02/01/90)

dear BITNIC,

i just requested the BITNET NODELST from a NETSERV in the US. the file
is in error ! all GULFNET NODES are missing !

please add all GULFNET NODES again to your database immediatly and
store it onto your NETSERV as usual. (I need the file tomorrow morning,
MY local time)

because of the latest ptt problems between FRMOP22 and CUNYVMV2 the
original distribution has NOT taken place up to now.

i already feared that something else would go wrong this week (we had
a disk crash, the mentioned ptt line was  broken for nearly 3 days), so
i requested the file directly.(and i was right, in doing it).
