POSTMAST@TECMTYVM.BITNET (Juan M. Courcoul) (02/07/90)
Here's another report from the combat zone... After a preliminary inspection of the main NETSERVs (BITNIC, UCBCMSA, MARIST DEARN, CEARN, UKACRL, IRLEARN), it appears they have not received the VERS9002 update, for their BITEARN NODES files are still datestamped 90/01/03. HEARN did not reply to my interactive messages. I am doublechecking this, via Mail to all the servers. So, there might still be time to catch the errant VERS9002 NODUPD file among the links, eliminate it and resend a NEW (hopefully correct) VERS9002 NODUPD, with no one the wiser. Juan P.D. To ask a NETSERV what file version it has, the command is: QUERY FILE filename filetype ********** Desperate times call for desperate measures... *************