In response to your kind suggestions, I will store BITNET NODES on NETSERV for inclusion in an interim version (9003) of BITEARN NODES, if Ulrich so chooses to generate it. It will 1. contain the CWUVAXEN->CWU fix. 2. modify :via tags for 3 nodes connected to PUCC. 3. change some rep and/or contact tags for UBVMS and CEBAFVAX. I will generate new BITNET LINKS, BITNET NODELST, and NODES INFO* files as well, all marked as version 90.03. However, I will wait to store all but NODELST until Ulrich confirms that a new BITEARN NODES will be generated. Note that modifications 2 and 3 above were deemed important, but did not make it in time for the 9002 files. All other normal updates will be included in the 9004 tables. Please let me know if there are any problems with this. Mike Hrybyk BITNIC