ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA, U.S.A., 1990 JAN 29 (NB) -- DCA announced MacIRMALan, a new family of server gateways linking Apple Macintosh computers to IBM mainframes using local area networks. The MacIRMALAN 802.2 Gateway Server provides Apple LocalTalk and Apple TokenTalk LAN users in the same building access to a mainframe over an IBM Token Ring network. The MacIRMALAN SDLC Gateway Server lets Macintosh users on a LocalTalk network or IBM Token Ring network share information with their company's mainframe, wherever it is. The products are based on DCA's MacIRMA WorkStation software, which includes a Distributed Function Terminal mode which lets more than one computer link to the mainframe at once. In addition, the company's MacIRMA API, originally designed for use with coaxial cables, can be used in network gateways with the new servers. The SDLC Gateway costs about $5,000 for 16 users, up to $6,500 for 64 users. The 802.2 Gateway Server costs $4,000 for 16 users, $6,000 in the 64-user version. (Dana Blankenhorn/19900202/Press Contact: Margaret Owens, DCA, 404-442-4521)