SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1990 JAN 22 (NB) -- Corvus Systems has added the Omninet/4 Micro Channel network interface card and the Omninet/4 Repeater to the Omninet/4 line of network products. The 4 Mbps (megabits per second) Micro Channel card is designed for networking all IBM PS/2 Micro Channel models over twisted pair wiring. The new Repeater boosts and repeats a network signal to extend the total network length of an Omninet/4 network to a maximum of 4,000 feet. Both products are available immediately and each is priced at $449. (Janet Endrijonas/19900202/Press Contact: Janel Killheffer, Corvus Systems, 408-281-4100) -- This, and all other articles in the clari.nb hierarchy are Copyright 1990 by the Newsbytes Information Service. Only paid subscribers may access these articles. Any unauthorized access, reproduction or transmission is strictly prohibited. We will reward the first provider of information that helps us stop violators of this copyright. Send reports to