HOUSTON, TEXAS, U.S.A., 1990 JAN 19 (NB) -- Conceptual Software has released its line of data conversion products and its version 2.0 of DBMS/Copy data conversion utility. The products converts between databases, spreadsheets, statistics, SQL, time series, data entry, vertical, and mainframe packages. DBMS/Copy 2.0 supports 65 software packages and adds a pop-up menu and keystroke capture facility. Designed for data analyst, the package supports most database, spreadsheets, SQL, PC statistics packages and all ASCII formats. Products supported include six spreadsheets including Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 version 1 and 2, Quattro, and 14 databases. DBMS/Copy Plus includes all of the features of DBMS/Copy, plus functions for customizing transfers; select only certain records, transfer only specific variables. DBMS/Copy Lite was designed for packages used everyday. This program supports the packages used by most computer users including 26 spreadsheets and ASCII formats supported by the DBMS/Copy product line. Prices are $89, $195 and $295 for DBMS/Copy Lite, DBMS/Copy and DBMS/Copy Plus respectively for use on IBM PC and compatibles. (Lori Bragg and Computer Currents/19900119)