(Bird/Standard Broadcast News) (02/02/90)
(Stabbing-Mayor) Vancouver Mayor Gordon Campbell says it would be tough to prevent last week's stabbing of a 10-year-old boy in a theatre washroom. Campbell says he's sickened by the attack, and the city isn't taking it lightly. (Stabbing-Parents) The parents of that 10-year-old boy who was viciously stabbed last weekend, are appealing for help in the search for their son's attacker. Police are looking for a teenager. Ten-year-old Robert should be back to school next week. (Expo-Cleanup) Environment Minister John Reynolds says he's trying to convince Ottawa to foot part of the bill to clean up the old Expo site. He says he's also spoken with some of the people responsible for polluting the land. Reynolds says he'll be making an announcement soon on WHO will pay WHAT. (Casilio) A lawyer from Vancouver will appear in a provincial court in Calgary again next month in connection with a major drug bust. Gary Casilio is charged with conspiracy to import and traffick in narcotics. Police seized 114 kilos of marijuana in Spokane a week ago. (Bird/Standard Broadcast News) (02/03/90)
(Border) The federal minister responsible for Canada Customs will be visiting a B-C crossing to investigate a complaint first-hand. Truckers want a separate lane for commercial vehicles at the Pacific crossing on the Lower Mainland. They say increasing traffic is creating delays. (Heart) B-C's Health Ministry continues to negotiate with hospitals in Washington state in a bid to cut the growing waiting list for open-heart surgery in the province. In the meantime, the B-C Cardiac Society claims as many as 20 British Columbians died last year while they waited for open-heart surgery. (E-and-N) Attorney General Brian Smith says he's still fighting to keep Vancouver Island's passenger rail service rolling. But Smith says he'll negotiate with the federal transport minister instead of dragging the issue through the costly court system. B-C has legally won the battle to save the E-and-N line, but Ottawa plans to appeal. (Godiva) Organizers with the annual Lady Godiva ride at U-B-C aren't saying if the engineering tradition will continue next week. University president David Strangway is threatening disciplinary action if a naked or half-naked woman is paraded around on horseback.