[list.ibmtcp-l] NQS for IBM's TCP/IP

Michael Hebgen <X02@DHDURZ1.bitnet> (02/23/90)

NQS (network queuing system) is becoming more and more popular as a
facility for  remote job entry within TCP/IP - it is available on
CONVEX or CRAY just to name 2 examples.

Does anyone know of a client and/or server implementation of NQS for
IBM's TCP/IP? Any information is appreciated.
Michael Hebgen                 Phone:       +49 (6221) 56-4501
Heidelberg University          Telefax:     +49 (6221) 56-5581
Computing Center               EARN/BITNET: X02@DHDURZ1
Im Neuenheimer Feld 293        Internet:    X02@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
D-6900 Heidelberg 1            X.400:       s=X02;ou=vm;ou=urz;
F.R. Germany                                p=uni-heidelberg;a=dbp;c=de