[list.ibmtcp-l] PCNFSD ist working very well

Guenter Mueller <GMUELLER@DFRRUF1.bitnet> (02/23/90)

Hello Tim,
your PCNFSD ist working at our side on a VM/HPO5 with FAL 1.2.1. First of
all the program didn't work, because ECMODE was NOT ON. So if you dis-
tribute your program, please include a hint about SETTING ECMODE ON for
the TCPNFSD virtual machine.

Kind Regards

Guenter Mueller

| G. Mueller  GMUELLER@DFRRUF1     Internet: gmueller@ibm.ruf.uni-freiburg.de |
|         X.400:  G=guenter S=mueller OU=ibm OU=ruf P=uni-freiburg A=dbp C=de |