[rec.arts.startrek.info] Paramount Press Release: #174 - The Best of Both Worlds

brown@vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) (05/31/90)

[Note:  I was reading through the Paramount synopsis getting toward the
	end, when I read the little note.  Gene must be paranoid about
	this story, since even the synopis doesn't have the ending. MLB]

The Best of Both Worlds

Episode #174			uplink dates:  6/16/90,  6/17/90
					       9/15/90,  9/16/90

While the USS Enterprise has a deadly encounter with the Borg, Commander
Riker encounters a beautiful rival with an eye on his job.

* The surprise cliffhanger ending of this episode has been deleted [from
  the press release] at the producers request.




	Captain Jean-Luc Picard			Patrick Stewart
	Commander William Riker			Jonathan Frakes
	Lieutenant Commander Data		Brent Spiner
	Dr. Beverly Crusher			Gates McFadden
	Counselor Deanna Troi			Marina Sirtis
	Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge	LeVar Burton
	Lieutenant Worf				Michael Dorn
	Ensign Wesley Crusher			Wil Wheaton

	Admiral Hanson				George Murdock
	Lt. Commander Shelby			Elizabeth Dennehy
	O'Brien					Colm Meaney

	Written by:				Michael Piller
	Directed by:				Cliff Bole

_H_I_G_H_L_I_G_H_T_ _L_I_S_T_I_N_G_:

	STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION -- "The Best of Both Worlds."  The
	evil Borg capture Picard in an attempt to conquer the human race.

_A_D_V_E_R_T_I_S_I_N_G_ _C_O_P_Y_:


	Will the evil Borg use Picard to conquer the human race?

_T_V_ _L_O_G_ _L_I_S_T_I_N_G_:

	The evil Borg capture Picard on Season Rinale!/STAR TREK: