[rec.arts.startrek.info] Unseen TOS Episodes


    My graduate school has been blessed with a complete set of TOS scripts
which they keep in the rare manuscripts collection.  Recently I thumbed
through the index and learned a few things I was unaware of:
    1. Some episodes were renamed before filming (not suprising).
    2. Some episodes were written by famous sf writers.
		(i.e Harlan Ellison, Theodore Sturgeon, Norman Spinrad)

More Importantly:
    The index was arranged in the order they were televised.  However, there
was a fourth section for untelevised episodes, namely:
	The Cage
	He Has Walked Among Us (unfilmed)
	(other titles I can't remember)	
That there are scripts for unfilmed episodes does not suprise me; but only one
(as above) was marked "unfilmed."  Are there actually unseen episodes such as
The Cage? and if so how can we get hold of them?

I posted this question several times to the regular ST group and never got
a reply.

[Note - while articles which are inquiries are not acceptable for r.a.s.i., 
	this article has reliable information that I'd never heard before,
	which is why I accepted it.  I *think* that the "unfilmed" one is
	actually a proposed second pilot that was rejected, but I'm not
	sure.  Follow-ups are directed to r.a.s. - ed.]

I knew how the game was going to end when I took Brenda 
	into the filing room but I took her in anyway.	--Al
They have one big advantage over us: 
		*they* know where they're going.	--Batman
Has your family tried 'em, Powdermilk?			--Garrison Keillor

/* Jeffery G. Smith, BS-RHIT (AKA Doc. Insomnia, WMHD-FM)       *
 *    The Ohio State University, Graduate Physics Program       *
 *        3193 Smith Lab, Columbus, OH 43210  (614) 292-5321    *
 *    smithj@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu                          */

Edited by Jim Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.

Email submissions to trek-info@scam.berkeley.edu or ...!ucbvax!scam!trek-info