[rec.arts.startrek.info] How the Industry Views TNG

gwangung@blake.acs.washington.edu (Just another theatre geek...) (09/14/90)

	I was perusing some of the trade journals for the broadcast industry
when I came across the August 13, 1990 issue of BROADCASTING magazine (one of
the three or four major trade publications of the TV/cable/radio industry).
In its Editorials section, usually devoted to political maneuvering in
Washington, DC (syndex and the like), there was a comment titled "SET

	In it, BROADCASTING pretty much lambasts the lack of Emmy nominations
for ST: TNG in directing and acting.  "Considering the show is consistently
well acted, has won critical praise and even garnered a Peabody award in
its second [actually, first] season, its total absence from these venues
strikes this page as curious.  It would be perceived as sour grapes or bad
manners for the producers of the show to protest the ommission, but they
would have grounds for complaint from this vantage."

	BROADCASTING goes on to ponder why there were no nominations, first
speculating it could have been the fact that science fiction gets no
respect from within the industry.  Or, it could represent a bias against
syndicated programming, in favor of prime-time, network/Big Three programs.
"A third possibility is that the show has never deserved to be recognized in
any of those areas, but that seems to us the least likely of all."

	Gee, if even the industry flaks notice it, then it's gotta be reaaalll
obvious by now......

	Food for thought, folks.....

Roger Tang
"There's something reassuringly perverse in a computer science
student or professional condemning yuppies at the top of their lungs..."

Edited by Jim Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
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