[rec.arts.startrek.info] R.a.s.i. administrivia

griffith@dweeb.fx.com (Jim Griffith) (06/28/90)

Sigh.  My connection to my normal newsfeed has been dead for the past five
days.  I have a queue of articles to post, as there is a lot of convention
stuff etc. being put out.  If this article is propagated correctly, as soon
as my connection is restored, I will attempt to move my moderatorship to this
site.  I will notify y'all if/when this change is completed.  I apologize
for the inconvenience, and I assure you that I'm still (somewhat) on the


Jim Griffith  /--OO--\     | Two great powers are on our side: the power of
griffith@dweeb.fx.com      | Love and the power of Arithmetic.  These two are
BEWARE BATS WITHOUT NOSES! | stronger than anything else in the world.

trek-info@dweeb.fx.com (Jim Griffith) (10/02/90)

I have a couple of issues to mention here.  First off, regarding the archives
on scam.berkeley.edu, I apologize for their outdatedness (is that really a
word?).  I haven't updated them in about two months, mainly due to my
sporadic Internet connection (I basically connect to the Real World via
a 9600 baud SLIP line, and I only access scam if I happen to be on when the
SLIP line happens to be up, unless I want to hassle the guy who operates
the SLIP line into bringing it up for me).  I will work on bringing them
up-to-date, but even when I do, they will probably continue to be no less
than one week behind the Real World, unless I automate something.

Second, I've received a couple of submissions which, according to the charter,
are unacceptable, but which I feel should be allowed.  Specifically, they are
two lists of retailers of Star Trek paraphenalia (and although they weren't
submitted with the intent, I interpreted the lists as essentially being
advertisements, which is not allowed).  I would like to expand the charter to
allow articles like this, without allowing people to madly start advertising
in r.a.s.i.  While the charter has no provisions for modification, according
to Gene Spafford, I can do whatever I want, provided it meets with the general
approval of the readers.  I'd like to discuss the issue in news.groups, come
up with a concrete "amendment", and hold a vote, with success determined by
a clear majority (and any unclear vote resulting in maintaining the status quo).
So please voice your opinions.

Finally, I'm always open to comments, criticism, SUBMISSIONS, etc.  If you
have a comment or question, don't feel like you don't want to "bother me".
Granted, I *am* a paid professional who has allusions of some day having a
life.  But in terms of r.a.s.i., I see myself as more of a an elected
official (albeit an underpaid one...) than a "benevolent dictator", and I
consider myself just as responsible to my "constituents".  So if you have
a problem with something, let me know.


Edited by Jim Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to