[rec.arts.startrek.info] TNG now available on VHS from CBS Video.....

COSC124Q@jetson.uh.edu (10/11/90)

I just noticed in the Holiday 1990 issue of the CBS/Columbia Video Club there
is the typical ad for Star Trek, Twilight Zone, and Outer Limit episodes on 
tape.  They were also offering THE NEXT GENERATION series on tape.

Each tape (for all 4 series-in case anyone's interested) is 24.95 + shipping &
handling.  The initial tapes (TOS: "The Menagerie, Parts 1 and 2", TNG:
"Encounter at Farpoint, Parts 1 and 2", Twilight Zone:"The invaders","One for
the Angels","Eye of the Beholder","The Lonely"; Outer Limits:"The Inheritors")
are only $4.95+s&h.

The phone number to order if you got a major credit card is: 1-800-544-4431
If not, you'll have to do it by mail (if it's running this week-after all
the govt is shutdown).  The address for this is: Columbia House Video Library
						 Dept. 1GA, PO Box 1112
						 Terre Haute, IN 47811

Now, this brocuhere came with a "reply coupon". I don't know if you have to
use it or not, but I will bet you have to have the right codes, so here is 
the coupon:

|   | YES! Enter my subscription to the series I've indicated below under the 
|___|      terms outlined in this announcement.  Send me my first videocassette
	   for just $4.95.  Also send me future videocassettes in the series
	   every 4-6 weeks-all with a 10 day RISK-FREE preview privileges and
	   no obligation to purchase.

Enroll me in the series below and send my first videocassette for just $4.95.
(IMPORTANT! Check only one)
 ___                                     ___
|   | Star Trek S31/S32			|   | The Twilight Zone  T31/T33 
|___|                                   |___|

 ___                                     ___
|   | Star Trek: The Next               |   | The Outer Limits  H15/H16
|___| Generation (VHS Only) P20/P21     |___|

Check One: ____ VHS  ___ Beta

___ My check is enclosed.  Future videocassettes will be billed with shipment
___ Charge this and future series purchases to my credit card
___ American Express ___ VISA ___ Mastercard ___ Diner's Club
Acct. no. ____________________________________________ Exp Date __________
Signature _______________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Address ________________________________________________ Apt. ____________
City ____________________________________ State _______________ Zip_______

Matt Tighe

Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to