[rec.arts.startrek.info] Synopsis: "Brothers"

tlynch@cobalt.cco.caltech.edu (Timothy W. Lynch) (10/11/90)

WARNING:  The following post contains spoiler information regarding this week's
upcoming TNG episode, "Brothers", in the form of a synopsis.  Watch yourself.
The Enterprise is en route to a starbase due to a medical emergency.  Due 
indirectly to a practical joke that Jake Potts played on his little brother
Willie, Willie urgently needs medical attention due to exposure to some 
infectious toxins.  Data begins taking Jake to sickbay to see Willie (who's
under strict quarantine, and also not particularly amenable to seeing Jake
right now), but suddenly starts behaving strangely, as though under outside 

He quickly assumes control of the Enterprise by cutting off life support to the
bridge.  Though Picard and company, now down in Engineering, quickly discover
that Data's behind the problem, they are helpless.  Picard orders a saucer
separation--which Data overrides _in Picard's own voice_.  He establishes 
force-fields in enough locations that the others can't even get to the bridge,
let alone recover it from him.  They block site-to-site transport ability 
(meaning he can't beam directly off the bridge)--and Data, through a 
complicated series of force-fields, walks past entire security teams to 
Transporter Room 1, puts Riker and O'Brien behind a force-field, reactivates
site-to-site ability, and beams off-ship.  

He enters a house, where a strange old man welcomes him.  He reactivates Data's
independence, and Data revives, though with no memory of how he arrived.  The
old man announces himself to be Noonian Soong, Data's creator, and quickly 
convinces Data that this is the truth.  (He escaped the colony he was on before
the crystal entity destroyed it, though exactly how is unclear.)  Meanwhile,
by diverting power from most of Willie's quarantine (i.e. everything but the
bare minimum), the bridge crew make it back to the bridge, but are stopped by
a security code that Data (masquerading as Picard) set up, which they have no
hope of cracking--it's about forty characters long.  However, they do regain
control over sensors, which picks up one human life-form on the planet below--
and a small vessel entering orbit, with no life aboard.

Data and Soong talk for a while, about why Data joined Starfleet, and more 
importantly, the concepts of creation and procreation, and we find that Soong
created Data for the same reason humans are driven to have children--for his 
own slice of immortality.  However, their reverie is interrupted suddenly, as a
similarly entranced Lore enters.  

Over Data's objections, Soong reactivates Lore, insisting that Lore will obey
him.  He does manage to keep Lore from attacking him or Data, reassuring Lore
that he wasn't _captured_--Soong, in fact, didn't even know Lore had been
reassembled.  When Lore, bitter and angry, decides to leave Soong with his
"favorite son" Data, Soong tells him he's dying.  Data accepts this with his
usual aplomb, but Lore is hit surprisingly hard emotionally.

While Geordi and O'Brien begin attempting to convince the transporter that 
others are actually Data (so they can beam down), Soong tells Lore that 
disassembling him was the only option--after creating Data, he planned to go
back and "fix" Lore.  (We also discover that, at least according to Soong, Data
is NOT "less perfect" than Lore.)  Soong quickly tires of Lore's bickering 
about Data, and orders both androids to sit.  He tells them that, after years 
of work, he's figured out what went wrong with Lore, and holds up a chip with 
the programming for "basic emotions"--for Data, since he didn't even know Lore 
still existed.  He goes into another room to rest, however, before starting the

As Riker, Geordi, and Worf beam down to search for Data, Soong inserts the chip
into the android he thinks is Data--but after it's over, he quickly discovers
it's Lore wearing Data's uniform.  He tries to convince Lore that the chip was
not designed for him and won't work properly, but Lore, insisting that Soong
owes _him_ for past slights, not Data, tosses Soong across the room, knocking
him out, then beams out.  Shortly thereafter, Riker and company find Soong, 
just waking up, and a deactivated Data, whom Riker quickly switches back on.  
Soong tells Data that he has neither the time nor the skill to create a second 
chip, rebuffs all attempts to take him to sickbay, saying he has "no plans to 
die anywhere else", and removes Data's memory block.  Data says goodbye to 
Soong alone, saying that it's all right for Soong to die, since he will live on
in Data.  

Several days later, Willie is recovering nicely, and he and Jake are playing
happily with two model dinosaurs Data brought from Soong's house.  When Data
observes that the children have settled their differences, Beverly says, 
"They're brothers, Data!  Brothers _forgive_," and the episode closes on a 
rather pensive Data.

Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
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