(Jim Griffith) (10/02/90)
SUBMITTING ARTICLES : This is perhaps more long-winded than is necessary. As a simple rule, if you have something of interest, simply "post" it to, which will cause it to be mailed to me. If something is wrong with it, I will reply, asking for further information. There. That's the minimum that you need to know. But if you want to do it right the first time... The most important guideline is ACCURATE ATTRIBUTION. If you submit a transcript of an article that appeared in print, I expect the source to be fully identified before I will accept it. There are several reasons for this. It helps me ensure reasonably accurate and reliable information. It gives due credit to those responsible for the information. Finally, in the case of printed information, I will generally have to call the source and obtain permission to reprint the article, and I need as much information about the article as possible. In addition, when sending submissions, TITLE YOUR SUBMISSION AS YOU WOULD LIKE THE ARTICLE TITLED. If you send me mail titled "article", or "submission", you force me to improvise... Note that Tribune Media Services has refused me the right to reprint articles syndicated by them without paying a usage fee. If your submission is from TMS (such as "Marilyn Beck's Grapevine"), I will edit out the actual article and print your submission as a reference to that article for interested readers. Feel free to selectively paraphrase articles if you so desire, keeping "fair use" in mind. Simply attempting to post to should cause the article to be mailed to the correct place. The following mail addresses exist for your use : - SEND SUBMISSIONS HERE, AND NOTHING ELSE. - send newsgroup questions, FTP problems, etc. here. Do *not* send submissions here. - report problems with the first two aliases or send general Star Trek questions here. vidiot! - send questions regarding the STTNG PROGRAM GUIDE, the PARAMOUNT PRESS RELEASES, or the current STTNG AIRDATE SCHEDULE here. - send questions regarding the STTNG CREDITS here. - send changes to the list of STAR TREK/STTNG STATIONS and their airing times here. Mail addresses permitting, I will reply, yes or no, to all submissions. If you have comments, criticisms, suggestions, requests for archive information, etc., send mail to "". -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Jim Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i. Email submissions to, and questions to (Jim Griffith) (11/02/90)
SUBMITTING ARTICLES : This is perhaps more long-winded than is necessary. As a simple rule, if you have something of interest, simply "post" it to, which will cause it to be mailed to me. If something is wrong with it, I will reply, asking for further information. There. That's the minimum that you need to know. But if you want to do it right the first time... The most important guideline is ACCURATE ATTRIBUTION. If you submit a transcript of an article that appeared in print, I expect the source to be fully identified before I will accept it. There are several reasons for this. It helps me ensure reasonably accurate and reliable information. It gives due credit to those responsible for the information. Finally, in the case of printed information, I will generally have to call the source and obtain permission to reprint the article, and I need as much information about the article as possible. In addition, when sending submissions, TITLE YOUR SUBMISSION AS YOU WOULD LIKE THE ARTICLE TITLED. If you send me mail titled "article", or "submission", you force me to improvise... Note that Tribune Media Services has refused me the right to reprint articles syndicated by them without paying a usage fee. If your submission is from TMS (such as "Marilyn Beck's Grapevine"), I will edit out the actual article and print your submission as a reference to that article for interested readers. Feel free to selectively paraphrase articles if you so desire, keeping "fair use" in mind. Simply attempting to post to should cause the article to be mailed to the correct place. The following mail addresses exist for your use : - SEND SUBMISSIONS HERE, AND NOTHING ELSE. - send newsgroup questions, FTP problems, etc. here. Do *not* send submissions here. - report problems with the first two aliases or send general Star Trek questions here. vidiot! - send questions regarding the STTNG PROGRAM GUIDE, the PARAMOUNT PRESS RELEASES, or the current STTNG AIRDATE SCHEDULE here. - send questions regarding the STTNG CREDITS here. - send changes to the list of STAR TREK/STTNG STATIONS and their airing times here. Mail addresses permitting, I will reply, yes or no, to all submissions. If you have comments, criticisms, suggestions, requests for archive information, etc., send mail to "". -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i. Email submissions to, and questions to