brown@vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) (11/03/90)
Reunion Episode #181 uplink dates: 11/03/90, 11/04/90 When Picard is chosen to mediate a power struggle between the potential successors to the Klingon Empire, Worf is reunited with his former mate and their son. _S_P_E_L_L_I_N_G_S [none] _C_A_S_T Captain Jean-Luc Picard Patrick Stewart Commander William Riker Jonathan Frakes Lt. Commander Data Brent Spiner Dr. Beverly Crusher Gates McFadden Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge LeVar Burton Counselor Deanna Troi Marina Sirtis Ensign Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton Lt. Worf Michael Dorn Guinan Whoopi Goldberg K'Ehleyr Suzie Plakson K'Mpec Charles Cooper Gowron Robert O'Reilly Duras Patrick Massett Alexander Jon Steuer Transporter Technician April Grace Guard #1 Basil Wallace Security Guard Michael Rider Klingon Mirron Edward Willis Teleplay by: Thomas Perry & Jo Perry and Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga Story by: Drew Deighan and Thomas Perry & Jo Perry Directed by: Jonathan Frakes _H_I_G_H_L_I_G_H_T_ _L_I_S_T_I_N_G_: STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION -- "Reunion." When Picard is chosen to mediate a Klingon power struggle, Worf confronts the Klingon who disgraced him. _A_D_V_E_R_T_I_S_I_N_G_ _C_O_P_Y_: BLOOD OR HONOR? Will Worf risk his reputation to destroy the Klingon who disgraced him? _T_V_ _L_O_G_ _L_I_S_T_I_N_G_: Worf battles Klingon who framed him/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION