[rec.arts.startrek.info] LA Times article on Stewart's "A Christmas Carol"

tlynch@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Timothy W. Lynch) (12/13/90)

Reprinted from this morning's LA Times:

One-Man 'Christmas Carol' Is a Feast for the Ears
	--Sylvie Drake

Patrick Stewart cautions his public in the program:  Don't expect ornamenta-
tion.  No Christmas fog, no visible ghosts of Christmases Past, Present or
Future.  No Tiny Tim, no warm Christmas fires.

This perennial one-man reading of "A Christmas Carol" is furnished strictly by
the vigor [of] Charles Dickens' words, the distinctive characterizations 
delivered by Stewart's reading of them--and by the tricks they play on our

Stewart, who is a Royal Shakespeare Company stalwart (now known to larger 
audiences as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on TV's "Star Trek:  The Next Generation")
expertly calibrates his reading.

In black suit and white shirt, he creates a world with a desk and a chair--
slicingg the air with the pages of his script, grousing as the diffident
Scrooge, snarling as the furtive one, bursting into wrenching sobs as Bob
Cratchit, breaking our hearts as Tiny Tim and chuckling with uncontrollable 
glee as the rehabilitated old miser.

It all works.  The bleakness of Dickens' rigorous imagery and suspense, in
collusion with the actor's virtuosity, even in as familiar a story as this,
keeps us surprisingly close to the edge of our seats.

Wow.  This sounds like exactly what I hoped for when I bought the tickets for
the thing.

(For those in the LA area, Mr. Stewart will be in Pasadena, at Caltech's 
Beckman Auditorium, this Saturday, 12/15, at 8 pm [though that show may be sold
out by now], and Sunday at 2:30 pm.  Tickets are $20-$25.  And I have no 
connection with said Auditorium--I'm just informing everybody.)

Well, that's what the Times had to say--come Sunday, you'll hear what the Tim
has to say about it.  :-)

Tim Lynch
Net Activist

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Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
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