[rec.arts.startrek.info] Patrick Stewart on PBS in May in I, Claudius

daly@ecs.umass.edu (Bryon Daly, ECE dept, UMass, Amherst) (02/07/91)

Hi Guys!

For all you people interested in ST actor's other roles:

Patrick Stewart will be appearing in _I, Claudius_ on PBS in May.  (At least
the New York PBS station, Ch 13).  I, Claudius is an *excellent* 13 part 
miniseries detailing the Roman emperors from Augustus Ceasar to Claudius.  It's
got a lot of political intrigue, humor, sex, murder...and maybe some history, 
too.  I recommend it heartily.
Stewart plays Sejanus (if I remember correctly, it is a substantial role, and
incredibly: HE HAS HAIR!)  :-) 

Just thought you might be interested...

Bryon Daly
Picard's Mission: ...to BALDLY go where no one has gone before...

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