[rec.arts.startrek.info] ST:TNG Program Guide troff source updates

brown%astroatc.UUCP@cs.wisc.edu (Vidiot) (02/20/91)

The following shar programs will automatically do some touching of files
at the end of part 2.  If you aren't using sh to extract these files, be
sure and do the required instructions at the end.  If you don't, you will
get pages printed that don't require printing.

---- Cut Here and unpack ----
# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
# This is part 1 of a multipart archive                                    
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh        
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  sttng403d
if test -r s2_seq_.tmp
then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
     next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
     exit 1; fi
echo "x - extracting sttng403d (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > sttng403d &&
XSystem: Star Trek: The Next Generation Program Guide
XPatch #: 4.3
XFix:	From rn, say "| patch -p -N -d DIR", where DIR is your Star Trek
X	directory.  Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch -p -N <thisarticle".
X	If you don't have the patch program, apply the following by hand,
X	or get patch (version 2.0, patch level 9 or later).
X	If patch indicates that patchlevel is the wrong version, you may need
X	to apply one or more previous patches, or the patch may already
X	have been applied.  See the stlevel file to find out what has or
X	has not been applied.  In any event, don't continue with the patch.
X	After the patches are installed, enter `touch sttng-E.ps sttng-E'.
X	This will keep the pages from printing, as they really didn't change,
X	just how the logo was printed.  Then you can enter 'make'.  This will
X	create the printer ready files.  A `make print' will send those files
X	to the printer.
X	Mike Brown
X      harvard\     att!nicmad\          spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
XVidiot  ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X      rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/ INTERNET:vidiot!brown%astroatc@spool.cs.wisc.edu
X	Or the patches are available from the ftp network.  See the README file,
X	or previously posted article, for details.
XIndex: sttng.lvl
XPrereq: 4.2
X< Patch #: 4.2
X> Patch #: 4.3
X*** released/README	Sun Jan 13 23:59:51 1991
X--- README	Thu Feb  7 00:18:25 1991
X*** 1,4 ****
X! $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/README,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:18:32 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X! STTNG402    January 7, 1991
X--- 1,4 ----
X! $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/README,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:18:19 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X! STTNG403    February 4, 1991
X*** 54,66 ****
X! Major modifications have been done in reproducing the ST:TNG logos.  The two
X! logo files (logo-cov.eps and logo-ep.eps) and the Dolby Surround (TM) logo
X! (dolby.eps) have been converted to EPSF files, so that you can include them
X! in other documents.  They are no longer used with the document, when using
X! Adobe TranScript.  The Adobe TranScript prolog files, psdit.pro & pscat.pro,
X! has been modified.  It now contains the definitions needed to print the logos
X! on either the cover pages or the episode pages.  See the instructions included
X! below on how to use the new prolog files.  Support for groff will be provided
X! as soon as possible.
X--- 54,62 ----
X! The psdit.pro and pscat.pro have been changed to keep in mind paper sizes
X! other than 8.5x11".  The paper origin is left at the upper left corner of
X! the page.  This way the length of the page is unimportant.  The updated
X! HPLJ raster files have been included.  Other than that, the only changes
X! are the normal episode enhancements.
X*** 248,250 ****
X  	/bshade2 0.900 def
X! 	52.2 463.3 translate
X  	covlogo
X--- 244,246 ----
X  	/bshade2 0.900 def
X! 	52.2 -328.7 translate
X  	covlogo
X*** 261,263 ****
X  	/bshade2 1.000 def
X! 	52.2 463.3 translate
X  	covlogo
X--- 257,259 ----
X  	/bshade2 1.000 def
X! 	52.2 -328.7 translate
X  	covlogo
X*** 269,271 ****
X  	MB
X! 	255.0 682.0 translate
X  	eplogo
X--- 265,267 ----
X  	MB
X! 	255.0 -110.0 translate
X  	eplogo
X*** 276,278 ****
X  	MB
X! 	340.0 527.0 translate
X  	0.125 0.125 scale
X--- 272,274 ----
X  	MB
X! 	340.0 -271.75 translate
X  	0.125 0.125 scale
X*** 281,282 ****
X--- 277,281 ----
X+ For the second occurance in sttng-E.ps, use `340.0 -461.25 translate' for
X+ the translate line.  The other four lines aren't changed.
X  There will be an awk script that will do the work for you available in the
X*** 453,454 ****
X--- 452,464 ----
X+ NOTE: If you are doing many updates within a short time span, i.e., in order
X+       to catch up on all the updates at once, it may not be necessary to 
X+       reprint the index section every time.  At this point in time, because
X+       the index normally changes enough, the complete index is reprinted.
X+       To keep the index section from printing, do a `touch sttng-I.prt' after
X+       doing the make.  Do the `make print' after doing the touch.  Then when you
X+       do the last update, do not do the touch.  That will save many sheets of
X+       paper and printer wear.
X+       The 4.03 update only reprints part of the index.
X*** 550,552 ****
X--- 560,568 ----
X+ For some reason there is sometimes a problem while logging in.  When doing
X+ the log in procedure, the anonuucp login name may sometimes have doubled-up
X+ characters.  This can be seen when using the -x9 option of uucico.  If that
X+ happens, add a delay between each character.  In most cases this solves the
X+ problem.
X*** 609,612 ****
X  The file names that should be used for the three PCL raster files should
X! be logo.cov.rast1, logo.cov.rast2, logo.ep.rast and dolby.rast.  These are the
X! names referenced in the newest patched sttng.hdr and sttng-cv.txt files.
X--- 625,628 ----
X  The file names that should be used for the three PCL raster files should
X! be logo-cv1.ras, logo-cv2.ras, logo-ep.ras and dolby.ras.  These are the
X! names referenced in the troff source files.
X*** 622,626 ****
X!       harvard\     att!nicmad\        spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X  Vidiot  ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X!       rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/ INET:<@spool.cs.wisc.edu,@astroatc:brown@vidiot>
X--- 638,642 ----
X!       harvard\     att!nicmad\          spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X  Vidiot  ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X!       rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/ INTERNET:vidiot!brown%astroatc@spool.cs.wisc.edu
X*** 678,679 ****
X--- 694,699 ----
X  	genidx.1		Index making program manual
X+ 	dolby.ras		Dolby logo for HPLJ use
X+ 	logo-cv1.ras		Cover logo for HPLJ use
X+ 	logo-cv2.ras		Cover logo for HPLJ use
X+ 	logo-ep.ras		Episode page logo for HPLJ use
X*** 841,841 ****
X--- 861,865 ----
X  		corrections and updates.
X+ Version 4.03	The psdit.pro and pscat.pro files have been updated for
X+  2/04/91	different sized paper.  The HPLJ updated raster files have
X+ 		been included.  Other corrections and updates.
X*** released/sttng.hdr	Sun Jan 13 23:59:52 1991
X--- sttng.hdr	Thu Feb  7 00:19:04 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng.hdr,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:19:56 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .\" Test the troff being used to see if it is the DWB2.0 troff, or any troff
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng.hdr,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:19:01 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .\" Test the troff being used to see if it is the DWB2.0 troff, or any troff
X*** 43,45 ****
X  .el \{\
X! \!255.0 682.0 translate
X  \!eplogo
X--- 43,45 ----
X  .el \{\
X! \!255.0 -110.0 translate
X  \!eplogo
X*** 55,57 ****
X  .sp -1
X! .RA logo.ep.rast center
X  ..
X--- 55,61 ----
X  .sp -1
X! .po 0
X! .ll 8.5i
X! .RA logo-ep.ras center
X! .ll
X! .po
X  ..
X*** released/sttng-cv.txt	Sun Jan 13 23:59:52 1991
X--- sttng-cv.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:19:01 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-cv.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:19:53 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .HD ''''
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-cv.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:18:57 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .HD ''''
X*** 35,37 ****
X  .el \{\
X! \!52.2 463.3 translate
X  \!covlogo
X--- 35,37 ----
X  .el \{\
X! \!52.2 -328.7 translate
X  \!covlogo
X*** 47,49 ****
X  .sp |115p
X! .RA logo.cov.rast1 center
X  .\}
X--- 47,53 ----
X  .sp |115p
X! .po 0
X! .ll 8.5i
X! .RA logo-cv1.ras center
X! .ll
X! .po
X  .\}
X*** 134,136 ****
X  .el \{\
X! \!52.2 463.3 translate
X  \!covlogo
X--- 138,140 ----
X  .el \{\
X! \!52.2 -328.7 translate
X  \!covlogo
X*** 147,149 ****
X  .sp |115p
X! .RA logo.cov.rast2 center
X  .\}
X--- 151,157 ----
X  .sp |115p
X! .po 0
X! .ll 8.5i
X! .RA logo-cv2.ras center
X! .ll
X! .po
X  .\}
X*** 244,245 ****
X--- 252,254 ----
X  	sttng402	January 7, 1991
X+ 	sttng403	February 4, 1991
X  .ie \n(DI==1 \{
X*** 246,251 ****
X  .sp |552p
X! .ta 120p
X! 	\f(CWharvard\\\0\0\0\0\0att!nicmad\\\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X  \f1Created by Michael L. Brown	\0\0\f(CWucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X! 	rutgers/\0\0decvax!nicmad/\0INET:<@spool.cs.wisc.edu,@astroatc:brown@vidiot>\f1
X  .\}
X--- 255,260 ----
X  .sp |552p
X! .ta 118p
X! 	\f(CWharvard\\\0\0\0\0\0att!nicmad\\\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X  \f1Created by Michael L. Brown	\0\0\f(CWucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
X! 	rutgers/\0\0decvax!nicmad/\0INTERNET:\0vidiot!brown%astroatc@spool.cs.wisc.edu\f1
X  .\}
X*** 275,277 ****
X! Suggested retail price (postage paid): $25.00
X  .\}
X--- 284,286 ----
X! Suggested retail price: $30.00
X  .\}
X*** 278,281 ****
X  .el \{\
X! This guide has been created for the enjoyment of \f3Star Trek\f1 fans
X! on the USENET and INTERNET computer networks.
X  This guide cannot be posted on BBS type systems.
X--- 287,291 ----
X  .el \{\
X! This guide has been created for the enjoyment of
X! \f3Star Trek\f1\v'2p'\*(rg\v'-2p'
X! fans on the USENET and INTERNET computer networks.
X  This guide cannot be posted on BBS type systems.
X*** released/sttng-ct.txt	Sun Jan 13 23:59:53 1991
X--- sttng-ct.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:18:57 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-ct.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:19:47 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .af % i
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-ct.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:18:54 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .af % i
X*** 121,125 ****
X  \h'12p'The Wounded	178
X! \h'12p'Devil's Due*	180
X! \h'12p'Clues*	182
X! \h'12p'First Contact*	184
X  \h'12p'Galaxy's Child*	186
X--- 121,125 ----
X  \h'12p'The Wounded	178
X! \h'12p'Devil's Due	180
X! \h'12p'Clues	182
X! \h'12p'First Contact	184
X  \h'12p'Galaxy's Child*	186
X*** 126,127 ****
X--- 126,133 ----
X  \h'12p'Night Terrors*	188
X+ \h'12p'Identity Crisis*	190
X+ \h'12p'Q Love*	192
X+ \h'12p'The The Nth Degree*	194
X+ \h'12p'Paradise*	196
X+ \h'12p'Past Perfect*	200
X+ \h'12p'Distant Relations*	202
X  .\".fn
X*** released/sttng-3.txt	Mon Jan 14 00:00:03 1991
X--- sttng-3.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:19:23 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-3.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:20:16 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .rm iX
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-3.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:19:16 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .rm iX
X*** 699,701 ****
X  .GS
X! Matt McCoy		[Devinoni Rai]
X  Elizabeth Hoffman		[Bhavani]
X--- 699,701 ----
X  .GS
X! Matt McCoy		[Devinoni Ral]
X  Elizabeth Hoffman		[Bhavani]
X*** 1000,1003 ****
X  The Paramount press release has Stack Pierce playing the part of Admiral Haden.
X! The John Hancock in the credits appears to be fictitious.
X! Either that or the actor didn't want the real name to be used.
X  .bp
X--- 1000,1002 ----
X  The Paramount press release has Stack Pierce playing the part of Admiral Haden.
X! I suspect that John Hancock ended up replacing the original actor.
X  .bp
X*** 1875,1876 ****
X--- 1874,1887 ----
X  Deirdre Imershein		Joval
X+ .if \nE==1 \{\
X+ \&
X+ .fl
X+ \!%MB
X+ \!/showpage {} def
X+ \!430 -732 translate
X+ \!0.25 0.25 scale
X+ .fl
X+ .sy cat /mnt/picard_1.eps
X+ \!PE
X+ \!.
X+ .\}
X  .SY
X*** released/sttng-4.txt	Mon Jan 14 00:00:06 1991
X--- sttng-4.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:19:30 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-4.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:20:27 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .rm iX
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-4.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:19:24 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .rm iX
X*** 266,267 ****
X--- 266,279 ----
X+ .if \nE==1 \{\
X+ \&
X+ .fl
X+ \!%MB
X+ \!/showpage {} def
X+ \!128 -764 translate
X+ \!0.63 0.63 scale
X+ .fl
X+ .sy cat /mnt/shel1_2.eps
X+ \!PE
X+ \!.
X+ .\}
X  .bp
X*** 872,873 ****
X--- 884,897 ----
X  .SY
X+ .if \nE==1 \{\
X+ \&
X+ .fl
X+ \!%MB
X+ \!/showpage {} def
X+ \!374 -758 translate
X+ \!0.25 0.25 scale
X+ .fl
X+ .sy cat /mnt/ishara_1.eps
X+ \!PE
X+ \!.
X+ .\}
X  .IX "Turkana Four"
X*** 1236,1240 ****
X  .SY
X! .ps 9
X! .ss 11
X! .vs 11
X  .IX "birthday party"
X--- 1260,1264 ----
X  .SY
X! .ps 10
X! .ss 12
X! .vs 11.25
X  .IX "birthday party"
X*** 1251,1252 ****
X--- 1275,1277 ----
X  .IX "Romulan holodeck"
X+ .sp -.5v
X  Riker's birthday party is interrupted when he has to lead an away team down to
X*** 1261,1263 ****
X  which may or may not be permanent.)
X! .sp .5v
X  Riker encounters one surprise after another.
X--- 1286,1288 ----
X  which may or may not be permanent.)
X! .sp .35v
X  Riker encounters one surprise after another.
X*** 1268,1270 ****
X  It hails them\-revealing on board Admiral Picard with his aide, Deanna Troi.
X! .sp .5v
X  Before long, they beam on board, and tell Will that his amnesia couldn't have
X--- 1293,1295 ----
X  It hails them\-revealing on board Admiral Picard with his aide, Deanna Troi.
X! .sp .35v
X  Before long, they beam on board, and tell Will that his amnesia couldn't have
X*** 1279,1281 ****
X  He doesn't remember Jean-Luc at all, but he soon starts to warm to the boy.
X! .sp .5v
X  The Romulan ambassador beams on board\-and Riker is not at all pleased to
X--- 1304,1306 ----
X  He doesn't remember Jean-Luc at all, but he soon starts to warm to the boy.
X! .sp .35v
X  The Romulan ambassador beams on board\-and Riker is not at all pleased to
X*** 1285,1287 ****
X  as the outpost hasn't been strategically important for years.
X! .sp .5v
X  Then, Bev calls\-Jean-Luc's been injured.
X--- 1310,1312 ----
X  as the outpost hasn't been strategically important for years.
X! .sp .35v
X  Then, Bev calls\-Jean-Luc's been injured.
X*** 1293,1295 ****
X  his wife, he sees that it was Minuet\-and he suddenly becomes very grim.
X! .sp .5v
X  On the bridge, he catches everyone in inconsistencies. Geordi couldn't possibly
X--- 1318,1320 ----
X  his wife, he sees that it was Minuet\-and he suddenly becomes very grim.
X! .sp .35v
X  On the bridge, he catches everyone in inconsistencies. Geordi couldn't possibly
X*** 1299,1301 ****
X  the ``Enterprise'' vanishes, and Riker finds himself in a Romulan holodeck.
X! .sp .5v
X  Tomalak claims that their neural scanners helped them make such a good mock-up,
X--- 1324,1326 ----
X  the ``Enterprise'' vanishes, and Riker finds himself in a Romulan holodeck.
X! .sp .35v
X  Tomalak claims that their neural scanners helped them make such a good mock-up,
X*** 1305,1307 ****
X  a boy who ``Jean-Luc'' was modeled after.
X! .sp .5v
X  Riker and Ethan (who claims to have been taken from a nearby research station
X--- 1330,1332 ----
X  a boy who ``Jean-Luc'' was modeled after.
X! .sp .35v
X  Riker and Ethan (who claims to have been taken from a nearby research station
X*** 1321,1323 ****
X--- 1346,1350 ----
X  revealed as a vaguely insectlike alien named Barash) with him when he leaves.
X+ .sp -1v
X  .HL
X+ .sp -.5v
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``Future Imperfect'' \- After an Away Team
X*** 1325,1329 ****
X  and he now commands the Enterprise.
X  .AC
X  16 years mysteriously pass.
X--- 1352,1358 ----
X  and he now commands the Enterprise.
X+ .sp -1v
X  .AC
X+ .sp -.5v
X! .sp .5v
X  16 years mysteriously pass.
X*** 1330,1335 ****
X  Now, Riker is a father and Enterprise Captain!
X  .TV
X  Riker wakes up sixteen years into future/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X- .ps 10
X- .ss 12
X  .vs 12
X--- 1359,1364 ----
X  Now, Riker is a father and Enterprise Captain!
X+ .sp -1v
X  .TV
X+ .sp -.5v
X  Riker wakes up sixteen years into future/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X  .vs 12
X*** 1367,1371 ****
X  .SY
X- .ps 9
X- .ss 11
X- .vs 11
X  .IX "Pentarus Three"
X--- 1396,1397 ----
X*** 1377,1378 ****
X--- 1403,1405 ----
X  .IX rockslide
X+ .sp -.5v
X  As Picard prepares to leave to arbitrate a miners' dispute on Pentarus Five,
X*** 1385,1387 ****
X  as Picard and Wes leave with Captain Dirgo in his mining shuttle.
X  However, before they reach the planet, one of the shuttle thrusters blows off,
X--- 1412,1414 ----
X  as Picard and Wes leave with Captain Dirgo in his mining shuttle.
X! .sp .35v
X  However, before they reach the planet, one of the shuttle thrusters blows off,
X*** 1392,1394 ****
X  along with the replicator\-and Dirgo has no emergency food or water.
X  The Enterprise arrives at Gamilon and discovers the ship is an abandoned 
X--- 1419,1421 ----
X  along with the replicator\-and Dirgo has no emergency food or water.
X! .sp .35v
X  The Enterprise arrives at Gamilon and discovers the ship is an abandoned 
X*** 1400,1402 ****
X  they get working on the scow as fast as possible.
X  Meanwhile, Picard, Wes, and Dirgo head for the mountains,
X--- 1427,1429 ----
X  they get working on the scow as fast as possible.
X! .sp .35v
X  Meanwhile, Picard, Wes, and Dirgo head for the mountains,
X*** 1414,1416 ****
X  Picard manages to push Wes clear of the slide, but is caught in it himself.
X  He's hurt badly, but despite Dirgo's insistence that Picard will never survive,
X--- 1441,1443 ----
X  Picard manages to push Wes clear of the slide, but is caught in it himself.
X! .sp .35v
X  He's hurt badly, but despite Dirgo's insistence that Picard will never survive,
X*** 1425,1427 ****
X  The plan fails, and Dirgo is killed.
X  While Wes tells Picard about Dirgo and talks with him about the good fortune
X--- 1452,1454 ----
X  The plan fails, and Dirgo is killed.
X! .sp .35v
X  While Wes tells Picard about Dirgo and talks with him about the good fortune
X*** 1433,1435 ****
X  and resolves to find a way to keep Picard alive until help comes no matter what.
X  As the Enterprise finds the debris of the destroyed thruster and heads for the
X--- 1460,1462 ----
X  and resolves to find a way to keep Picard alive until help comes no matter what.
X! .sp .35v
X  As the Enterprise finds the debris of the destroyed thruster and heads for the
X*** 1439,1443 ****
X  As Picard is taken from the cave, he tells Wesley he will be missed.
X- .ps 10
X- .ss 12
X- .vs 12
X  .sp -1v
X--- 1466,1467 ----
X*** 1495,1499 ****
X  .IX resignation
X! .ps 9
X! .ss 11
X! .vs 11
X  After we see Troi counseling Ensign Janet Brooks about dealing with the grief
X--- 1519,1521 ----
X  .IX resignation
X! .sp -.5v
X  After we see Troi counseling Ensign Janet Brooks about dealing with the grief
X*** 1506,1508 ****
X  at one-tenth impulse.
X  While the bridge crew tries various alternatives in speed and direction to 
X--- 1528,1530 ----
X  at one-tenth impulse.
X! .sp .5v
X  While the bridge crew tries various alternatives in speed and direction to 
X*** 1512,1514 ****
X  conference that her empathic abilities have completely vanished!
X  Bev finds no physical traces of her problem,
X--- 1534,1536 ----
X  conference that her empathic abilities have completely vanished!
X! .sp .5v
X  Bev finds no physical traces of her problem,
X*** 1520,1522 ****
X  that everyone's attitude has changed and says she's doing fine.
X  As Geordi and Data continue analyzing the area they're trapped in,
X--- 1542,1544 ----
X  that everyone's attitude has changed and says she's doing fine.
X! .sp .5v
X  As Geordi and Data continue analyzing the area they're trapped in,
X*** 1532,1534 ****
X  says she can never recover from this, and storms off to her quarters.
X  Not long afterwards, she meets with Picard and resigns as Ship's Counselor, 
X--- 1554,1556 ----
X  says she can never recover from this, and storms off to her quarters.
X! .sp .5v
X  Not long afterwards, she meets with Picard and resigns as Ship's Counselor, 
X*** 1544,1546 ****
X  to rip the Enterprise to shreds.
X  After firing photon torpedoes ahead of and into the field in an attempt to 
X--- 1566,1568 ----
X  to rip the Enterprise to shreds.
X! .sp .5v
X  After firing photon torpedoes ahead of and into the field in an attempt to 
X*** 1557,1562 ****
X  and Troi's powers are restored.
X! .ps 10
X! .ss 12
X! .vs 12
X  .HL
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``The Loss'' \- Counselor Troi resigns
X--- 1579,1583 ----
X  and Troi's powers are restored.
X! .sp -1v
X  .HL
X+ .sp -.5v
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``The Loss'' \- Counselor Troi resigns
X*** 1563,1569 ****
X  her post after experiencing a mysterious loss of her empathetic powers.
X  .AC
X  Troi mysteriously loses her Betazoid powers!
X  .TV
X  Troi mysteriously loses her powers on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X--- 1584,1594 ----
X  her post after experiencing a mysterious loss of her empathetic powers.
X+ .sp -1v
X  .AC
X+ .sp -.5v
X! .sp .5v
X  Troi mysteriously loses her Betazoid powers!
X+ .sp -1v
X  .TV
X+ .sp -.5v
X  Troi mysteriously loses her powers on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X*** 1615,1619 ****
X  .IX "D'Vorus, Romulan ship"
X! .ps 9
X! .ss 11
X! .vs 11
X  Data begins his ``typical day'' (one which he is recording commentary on
X--- 1640,1642 ----
X  .IX "D'Vorus, Romulan ship"
X! .sp -.5v
X  Data begins his ``typical day'' (one which he is recording commentary on
X*** 1625,1627 ****
X  O'Brien, to no one's surprise but Data's, is not pleased.
X  Later, Data welcomes aboard T'Pel,
X--- 1648,1650 ----
X  O'Brien, to no one's surprise but Data's, is not pleased.
X! .sp .5v
X  Later, Data welcomes aboard T'Pel,
X*** 1636,1638 ****
X  T'Pel insists that the ``mission'' still must go on as scheduled.
X  Later, in his quarters, Data talks to O'Brien,
X--- 1659,1661 ----
X  T'Pel insists that the ``mission'' still must go on as scheduled.
X! .sp .5v
X  Later, in his quarters, Data talks to O'Brien,
X*** 1647,1649 ****
X  safeguards and withdraws the request.
X  Later still, Data takes dance lessons.
X--- 1670,1672 ----
X  safeguards and withdraws the request.
X! .sp .5v
X  Later still, Data takes dance lessons.
X*** 1659,1661 ****
X  suggests that the Enterprise leave before there is a second ``accident.''
X  However, nothing is visibly wrong with the transporter, and Data's later
X--- 1682,1684 ----
X  suggests that the Enterprise leave before there is a second ``accident.''
X! .sp .5v
X  However, nothing is visibly wrong with the transporter, and Data's later
X*** 1668,1670 ****
X  Zone to find the D'Vorus.
X  They quickly catch up to the D'Vorus,
X--- 1691,1693 ----
X  Zone to find the D'Vorus.
X! .sp .5v
X  They quickly catch up to the D'Vorus,
X*** 1676,1678 ****
X  Mendak informs Picard that \f2now\f1, he must leave...which Picard does.
X  Later, Data apologizes to Keiko, but Keiko just tells him to hurry up and get
X--- 1699,1701 ----
X  Mendak informs Picard that \f2now\f1, he must leave...which Picard does.
X! .sp .5v
X  Later, Data apologizes to Keiko, but Keiko just tells him to hurry up and get
X*** 1682,1687 ****
X  changing, growing, and trying to become more than what I am.''
X! .ps 10
X! .ss 12
X! .vs 12
X  .HL
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``Data's Day'' \- A friend's impending
X--- 1705,1709 ----
X  changing, growing, and trying to become more than what I am.''
X! .sp -1v
X  .HL
X+ .sp -.5v
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``Data's Day'' \- A friend's impending
X*** 1688,1694 ****
X  wedding compounds Data's confusion about the nuances of human feelings.
X  .AC
X  Will a friend's wedding bring out human emotion in Data?
X  .TV
X  Data to be father of the bride/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X--- 1710,1720 ----
X  wedding compounds Data's confusion about the nuances of human feelings.
X+ .sp -1v
X  .AC
X+ .sp -.5v
X! .sp .5v
X  Will a friend's wedding bring out human emotion in Data?
X+ .sp -1v
X  .TV
X+ .sp -.5v
X  Data to be father of the bride/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X*** 1695,1697 ****
X  .bp
X! .CC 186 ?
X  .S6
X--- 1721,1723 ----
X  .bp
X! .CC 186 44429.6
X  .S6
X*** 1699,1704 ****
X  .GS
X! Colm Meaney		[O'Brien]
X  Rosalind Chao		[Keiko]
X- Bob Gunton		[Captain Maxwell]
X  Marc Alaimo		[Gul Macet]
X  Time Winters		[Daro]
X--- 1725,1731 ----
X  .GS
X! Bob Gunton		[Captain Ben Maxwell]
X  Rosalind Chao		[Keiko]
X  Marc Alaimo		[Gul Macet]
X+ Colm Meaney		[O'Brien]
X+ Marco Rodriguez		[Telle]
X  Time Winters		[Daro]
X*** 1705,1707 ****
X  John Hancock		[Admiral Haden]
X- Marco Rodriguez		[Telle]
X--- 1732,1733 ----
X*** 1731,1735 ****
X  .SY
X! Picard and the crew must stop a renegade Federation starship which is making
X! unprovoked attacks on a former enemy's ships.
X  .HL
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``The Wounded'' \- Picard must stop
X--- 1757,1831 ----
X  .SY
X! .vs 11.75p
X! .IX Cardassians
X! .IX starship
X! .IX starship Phoenix
X! .IX "Phoenix, starship"
X! The Enterprise is conducting a mapping survey near the Cardassian border.
X! The Federation and the Cardassians made peace less than a year ago,
X! after a long war.
X! Their mission is interrupted, however,
X! when they are attacked by a Cardassian ship.
X! They manage to disable it without too much difficulty,
X! and are told by its captain, Gul Macet,
X! that a Federation starship has destroyed an unarmed science station.
X! .sp .5v
X! Picard contacts Admiral Haden, who says that the news is true.
X! The starship in question is the Phoenix, commanded by Ben Maxwell,
X! a fine officer.
X! Haden tells the Enterprise to find him and to preserve the peace,
X! no matter what the cost.
X! He also, to soothe Cardassian nerves, takes on board Gul Macet and two aides as
X! observers, despite distrust from some members of the crew...particularly
X! O'Brien, who served with Maxwell years ago aboard the Rutledge, and saw a
X! massacre which, among other things, took the lives of Maxwell's family.
X! .sp .5v
X! Before long, the Enterprise locates the Phoenix\-but long-range sensors find
X! that the ship is about to attack a Cardassian supply ship.
X! When Maxwell repeatedly refuses to answer Picard's hail,
X! Picard is faced with no choice but to accede to the Cardassians' wishes,
X! and he gives the Cardassian warship
X! (which is much closer to the Phoenix) the Phoenix's prefix codes.
X! .sp .5v
X! Despite this imbalance, however,
X! the Phoenix destroys both the warship and the supply ship.
X! As the Enterprise speeds up to intercept, Picard talks to O'Brien,
X! who is convinced that the Cardassians are somehow at fault, not Maxwell.
X! Picard points out, however, that Maxwell's been angry for so long
X! that, although he may not consciously be acting on revenge, the anger has
X! become ``comfortable'', and he may not be able to think around it.
X! O'Brien soon realizes that he has the same problem,
X! because due to the Cardassians, he was once forced to cold-bloodedly kill one.
X! .sp .5v
X! After Worf brings in one of the other Cardassians, who was caught trying to
X! access weapons information and is confined to quarters by Gul Macet, and Macet
X! and Picard talk privately, convinced that a lasting peace is possible,
X! they reach the Phoenix.
X! Maxwell beams over, and seems friendly enough (particularly
X! to O'Brien, not surprisingly).
X! When he talks to Picard, however, it's a different story.
X! .sp .5v
X! He claims that the Cardassians have been arming for war again, and that the
X! ships and station he destroyed were all on military missions.
X! He dismisses Starfleet as too bureaucratic to have done any good in the
X! situation, and when Picard refuses to condone his actions, brands Picard a fool.
X! Picard, not allowing Maxwell to continue on his crusade,
X! orders him to take the ship back with the Enterprise to starbase 211\-and
X! informs Maxwell that he can command the ship back himself,
X! or have it towed and be thrown in the brig.
X! .sp .5v
X! Maxwell goes back to his ship, but before they reach Federation space,
X! veers off.
X! The Enterprise catches him just as he reaches another Cardassian ship,
X! which he claims is the proof Picard needs, and he demands Picard board it.
X! Picard refuses, but he is spared having to fire on Maxwell when O'Brien beams
X! over and manages to convince Maxwell to give up.
X! All is well\-but before Gul Macet leaves the Enterprise,
X! Picard tells him that Maxwell was \f2right\f1.
X! (There are various pieces of evidence for this.)
X! He tells Macet that he did not board the other vessel because he was there
X! ``to preserve the peace,'' but he tells Gul Macet to tell his leaders
X! that ``We'll be watching.''
X! .sp -1v
X  .HL
X+ .sp -.5v
X  STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``The Wounded'' \- Picard must stop
X*** 1737,1744 ****
X  on a former enemy's ship.
X  .AC
X  Will Picard destroy a comrade's ship to prevent war?
X  .TV
X  Picard confronts renegade Federation captain/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X  .if o \{\
X--- 1833,2072 ----
X  on a former enemy's ship.
X+ .sp -1v
X  .AC
X+ .sp -.5v
X! .sp .5v
X  Will Picard destroy a comrade's ship to prevent war?
X+ .sp -1v
X  .TV
X+ .sp -.5v
X  Picard confronts renegade Federation captain/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION
X+ .vs 12
X+ .bp
X+ .CC 187 ?
X+ .S6
X+ .TI Devil's Due
X+ .GS
X+ Marta Dubois		[Ardra]
X+ Paul Lambert		[Dr. Clarke]
X+ Marcello Tubert		[Jared]
X+ Tom Magee		[Klingon Monster]
X+ Thad Lamey		[Devil Monster]
X+ William Glover		[Marley]
X+ .T2
X+ 	Co-Producer	Peter Lauritson
X+ 	Producer	David Livingston
X+ 	Supervising Producer	Jeri Taylor
X+ 	Executive Producer	Michael Piller
X+ 	Teleplay By	Philip Lazebnik
X+ 	Written By	Philip Lazebnik and
X+ 		William Douglas Lansford
X+ 	Directed By	Tom Benko
X+ [end credit]
X+ 	Executive Producer	Gene Roddenberry
X+ 	Executive Producer	Rick Berman
X+ [closing credits]
X+ 	Associate Producer	Wendy Neuss
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Ronald D. Moore
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Joe Menosky
X+ 	Story Editors	David Bennett Carren &
X+ 		J. Larry Carroll
X+ .SY
X+ Picard fights to save a terrorized planet from a powerful woman who
X+ claims to be the devil.
X+ .HL
X+ STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``Devil's Due'' \- 
X+ Picard fights to save a terrorized planet from a powerful woman who
X+ claims to be the devil.
X+ .AC
X+ Will Picard sell his soul to save a terrorized planet?
X+ .TV
X+ Picard makes a deal with the Devil/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.
X+ .bp
X+ .CC 188 ?
X+ .S6
X+ .TI Clues
X+ .GS
X+ Pamela Winslow		[Ensign]
X+ Colm Meaney		[O'Brien]
X+ Patti Yasutake		[Nurse]
X+ Rhonda Aldrich		[Trixie]
X+ Thomas Knickerbocker		[Gunman]
X+ .WG
X+ .T2
X+ 	Co-Producer	Peter Lauritson
X+ 	Producer	David Livingston
X+ 	Supervising Producer	Jeri Taylor
X+ 	Executive Producer	Michael Piller
X+ 	Teleplay By	Bruce D. Arthurs
X+ 		and Joe Menosky
X+ 	Story By	Bruce D. Arthurs
X+ 	Directed By	Les Landau
X+ [end credit]
X+ 	Executive Producer	Gene Roddenberry
X+ 	Executive Producer	Rick Berman
X+ [closing credits]
X+ 	Associate Producer	Wendy Neuss
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Ronald D. Moore
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Joe Menosky
X+ 	Story Editors	David Bennett Carren &
X+ 		J. Larry Carroll
X+ .SY
X+ Picard and the crew are shocked to discover that Data is lying to them.
X+ .HL
X+ Picard and the crew are shocked to discover that Data is lying to them.
X+ .AC
X+ Data must lie to Picard to protect the crew!
X+ .TV
X+ Why is Data lying to Picard?/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.
X+ .bp
X+ .CC 189 ?
X+ .S6
X+ .TI First Contact
X+ .GS
X+ Bebe Neuwirth		[Lanel]
X+ George Ceo		[Durken]
X+ Carolyn Seymour		[Mirasta]
X+ Michael Ensign		[Krola]
X+ George Hearn		[Berel]
X+ Steven Anderson		[Nilrem]
X+ Sachi Parker		[Tava]
X+ .T2
X+ 	Co-Producer	Peter Lauritson
X+ 	Producer	David Livingston
X+ 	Supervising Producer	Jeri Taylor
X+ 	Executive Producer	Michael Piller
X+ 	Teleplay By	Joe Menosky &
X+ 		Ronald D. Moore and
X+ 		Michael Piller
X+ 	Story By	Marc Zicree and
X+ 		David Bischoff &
X+ 		Dennis Russell Bailey
X+ 	Directed By	Cliff Bole
X+ [end credit]
X+ 	Executive Producer	Gene Roddenberry
X+ 	Executive Producer	Rick Berman
X+ [closing credits]
X+ 	Associate Producer	Wendy Neuss
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Ronald D. Moore
X+ 	Executive Story Editor	Joe Menosky
X+ 	Story Editors	David Bennett Carren &
X+ 		J. Larry Carroll
X+ .SY
X+ Riker is critically injured and stranded on a developing planet during
X+ a first contact mission.
X+ .HL
X+ STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION \- ``First Contact'' \- 
X+ Critically wounded during a first contact mission, Riker is mistaken
X+ for a hostile alien.
X+ .AC
X+ Aliens mistake him for a brutal invader!
X+ .TV
X+ Riker feared by alien society/STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.
X+ .bp
X+ .FT 6 2
X+ .ft 3
X+ .in .5i
X+ .ti 0
X+ 190: Galaxy's Child (3/09/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ The Enterprise as a parent?  Seems so, when it accidentally kills a space-borne
X+ creature whose child comes to believe NCC 1701-D is its mother.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 191: Night Terrors (3/16/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ Jason Robards stars when a disaster strikes a federation research station and
X+ somehow begins to affect the dreams and nightmares of the crew.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 192: Identity Crisis (3/23/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ We're used to Riker wondering about his career, now its Geordi's turn.
X+ An old friend of his becomes Captain of his own ship, and
X+ Geordi starts wondering if he's made some wrong decisions.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 193: Q Love (3/30/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ There isn't to be an episode called ``Q and Order,'' its been killed off.
X+ Instead, we have this one, in which Q taunts and teases Captain
X+ Picard by bringing back the woman in \f2Captain's Holiday\f1.
X+ Only, whilst I don't know what Picard's reactions are,
X+ apparantly Q falls in love with Vash.
X+ .sp .5v
X+ Vash's thoughts on this may well go undiscovered.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 194: To The Nth Degree (4/20/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ The A-Team returneth.
X+ Lt. Barclay returns, but this time his social
X+ problem is excessively hyped-up intelligence.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 195: Paradise (4/27/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ A Beverley Crusher story as she tries to cure people of a deadly
X+ virus \- when they don't want her to.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 196: ? (5/04/91)
X+ .ti 0
X+ 197: Past Perfect (5/11/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ Interesting title, though, isn't it?  And its another Beverley story which
X+ makes me think that this part of the order may not stay as it is.
X+ .sp .5v
X+ Anyways, Crusher is forced to recall her life with Jack because of
X+ some external (alien) pressure.
X+ .ft 3
X+ .ti 0
X+ 198: Distant Relations (5/25/91)
X+ .ft 1
X+ Enterprise mediates for two supposedly warring worlds without knowing that in
X+ fact they have joined forces against Star Fleet and the Federation.
X+ .fn
X+ The dates listed are first day of satellite uplink.
X+ .ef
X  .if o \{\
X*** released/sttng-A.txt	Mon Jan 14 00:00:07 1991
X--- sttng-A.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:18:29 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-A.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:18:52 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .ds iX A-
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-A.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:18:25 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .ds iX A-
X*** 270,272 ****
X  	1/21/91	181R	44246.3	Reunion
X! 	1/28/91	186		The Wounded
X  	2/04/91	187		Devil's Due
X--- 270,272 ----
X  	1/21/91	181R	44246.3	Reunion
X! 	1/28/91	186	44429.6	The Wounded
X  	2/04/91	187		Devil's Due
X*** 278,281 ****
X  	3/18/91	191		Night Terrors
X! 	*3/25/91	192
X! 	*4/01/91	193
X  	*4/08/91	184R	44356.9	The Loss
X--- 278,281 ----
X  	3/18/91	191		Night Terrors
X! 	*3/25/91	192		Identity Crisis
X! 	*4/01/91	193		Q Love
X  	*4/08/91	184R	44356.9	The Loss
X*** 282,289 ****
X  	*4/15/91	185R	44390.1	Data's Day
X! 	*4/22/91	194
X! 	*4/29/91	195
X  	*5/06/91	196
X! 	*5/13/91	197
X! 	*5/20/91	186R		The Wounded
X! 	*5/27/91	198
X  	*6/03/91	199
X--- 282,289 ----
X  	*4/15/91	185R	44390.1	Data's Day
X! 	*4/22/91	194		To The Nth Degree
X! 	*4/29/91	195		Paradise
X  	*5/06/91	196
X! 	*5/13/91	197		Past Perfect
X! 	*5/20/91	186R	44429.6	The Wounded
X! 	*5/27/91	198		Distant Relations
X  	*6/03/91	199
X*** 295,303 ****
X  	*7/15/91	191R		Night Terrors
X! 	*7/22/91	192R
X! 	*7/29/91	193R
X! 	*8/05/91	194R
X! 	*8/12/91	195R
X  	*8/19/91	196R
X! 	*8/26/91	197R
X! 	*9/02/91	198R
X  	*9/09/91	199R
X--- 295,303 ----
X  	*7/15/91	191R		Night Terrors
X! 	*7/22/91	192R		Identity Crisis
X! 	*7/29/91	193R		Q Love
X! 	*8/05/91	194R		To The Nth Degree
X! 	*8/12/91	195R		Paradise
X  	*8/19/91	196R
X! 	*8/26/91	197R		Past Perfect
X! 	*9/02/91	198R		Distant Relations
X  	*9/09/91	199R
X*** 309,311 ****
X  .fn
X! * \- These dates and episode numbers are the author's forecast only and are subject to change.
X  .ef
X--- 309,311 ----
X  .fn
X! * \- This information is the author's forecast and is subject to change.
X  .ef
X*** 532,536 ****
X  83.	11/17/90	183	44307.5	45:29	Final Mission
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9		The Loss
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1		Data's Day
X! 86.	1/26/91	186			The Wounded
X  87.	2/02/91	187			Devil's Due
X--- 532,536 ----
X  83.	11/17/90	183	44307.5	45:29	Final Mission
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9	45:27	The Loss
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1	45:30	Data's Day
X! 86.	1/26/91	186	44429.6		The Wounded
X  87.	2/02/91	187			Devil's Due
X*** 612,614 ****
X  37.	3/18/89	137	42609.1	45:26	Contagion
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1		Data's Day
X  13.	1/16/88	114	41242.4	45:24	Datalore
X--- 612,614 ----
X  37.	3/18/89	137	42609.1	45:26	Contagion
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1	45:30	Data's Day
X  13.	1/16/88	114	41242.4	45:24	Datalore
X*** 659,661 ****
X  7.	10/31/87	108	41249.3	45:25	Lonely Among Us
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9		The Loss
X  31.	1/07/89	132	42477.2	45:21	Loud As A Whisper
X--- 659,661 ----
X  7.	10/31/87	108	41249.3	45:25	Lonely Among Us
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9	45:27	The Loss
X  31.	1/07/89	132	42477.2	45:21	Loud As A Whisper
X*** 715,717 ****
X  52.	10/14/89	152	43173.5	45:26	Who Watches The Watchers
X! 86.	1/26/91	186			The Wounded
X  63.	2/17/90	163	43625.2	45:27	Yesterday's Enterprise
X--- 715,717 ----
X  52.	10/14/89	152	43173.5	45:26	Who Watches The Watchers
X! 86.	1/26/91	186	44429.6		The Wounded
X  63.	2/17/90	163	43625.2	45:27	Yesterday's Enterprise
X*** 862,866 ****
X  83.	11/17/90	183	44307.5	45:29	Final Mission
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9		The Loss
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1		Data's Day
X! 86.	1/26/91	186			The Wounded
X  87.	2/02/91	187			Devil's Due
X--- 862,866 ----
X  83.	11/17/90	183	44307.5	45:29	Final Mission
X! 84.	12/29/90	184	44356.9	45:27	The Loss
X! 85.	1/05/91	185	44390.1	45:30	Data's Day
X! 86.	1/26/91	186	44429.6		The Wounded
X  87.	2/02/91	187			Devil's Due
X*** released/sttng-B.txt	Mon Jan 14 00:00:08 1991
X--- sttng-B.txt	Thu Feb  7 00:18:33 1991
X*** 1,2 ****
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-B.txt,v 4.2 91/01/13 02:18:58 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .nr bm 70p
X--- 1,2 ----
X! .\" $Header: /usr/brown/startrek/RCS/sttng-B.txt,v 4.3 91/02/07 00:18:30 brown Exp Locker: brown $
X  .nr bm 70p
X*** 32,34 ****
X  \f2Alans\f1	Whitney Rydbeck
X! .ne 2
X  Aldrich, Rhonda	Secretary	The Big Goodbye
X--- 32,34 ----
X  \f2Alans\f1	Whitney Rydbeck
X! .ne 3
X  Aldrich, Rhonda	Secretary	The Big Goodbye
X*** 35,36 ****
X--- 35,37 ----
X  	Madeline	Manhunt
X+ 	Trixie	Clues
X  \f2Alexana Devos\f1	Kerrie Keane
X*** 46,47 ****
X--- 47,49 ----
X  Anderson, John	Kevin Uxbridge	The Survivors
X+ Anderson, Steven	Nilrem	First Contact
X  Aresco, Joey	Brull	The Vengeance Factor
X*** 53,54 ****
X--- 55,57 ----
X  \f2Ard'rian\f1	Eileen Seeley
X+ \f2Ardra\f1	Marta Dubois
X  \f2Argyle, Engineer\f1	Biff Yeager
X*** 100,101 ****
X--- 103,105 ----
X  \f2Benzan\f1	Kieran Mulroney
X+ \f2Berel\f1	George Hearn
X  \f2Bernard, Dr. [Lt.]\f1	Dierk Torsek
X*** 150,151 ****
X--- 154,156 ----
X  Cavanaugh, Michael	Capt DeSoto	Tin Man
X+ Ceo, George	Durken	First Contact
X  Champion, Michael	Boratus	Captain's Holiday
X*** 162,163 ****
X--- 167,169 ----
X  Clark, Josh	Conn	Justice
X+ \f2Clarke, Dr.\f1	Paul Lambert
X  .ne 2
X*** 227,228 ****
X--- 233,235 ----
X  \f2DeSoto, Capt\f1	Michael Cavanaugh
X+ \f2Devil Monster\f1	Thad Lamey
X  Dillard, Victoria	Ballerina	Where No One Has Gone Before
X*** 239,240 ****
X--- 246,248 ----
X  \f2Duana\f1	Ivy Bethune
X+ Dubois, Marta	Ardra	Devil's Due
X  \f2Duffy\f1	Charley Lang
X*** 242,243 ****
X--- 250,252 ----
X  Durbin, John	Ssestar	Lonely Among Us
X+ \f2Durken\f1	George Ceo
X  Dynarski, Gene	Commander Quinteros	11001001
X*** 254,255 ****
X--- 263,266 ----
X  \f2Ensign\f1	Scott Trost
X+ \f2Ensign\f1	Pamela Winslow
X+ Ensign, Michael	Krola	First Contact
X  \f2Eric\f1	Scott Grimes
X*** 289,291 ****
X  \f2Gleason\f1	Todd Merrill
X! .ne 10
X  Goldberg, Whoopi\(dg	Guinan	The Child
X--- 300,303 ----
X  \f2Gleason\f1	Todd Merrill
X! Glover, William	Marley	Devil's Due
X! .ne 11
X  Goldberg, Whoopi\(dg	Guinan	The Child
X*** 300,301 ****
X--- 312,314 ----
X  		The Loss
X+ 		Clues
X  \f2Gomez, Ensign Sonya\f1	Lycia Naff
X*** 324,326 ****
X  \f2Guinan\f1	Whoopi Goldberg
X! Gunton, Bob	Captain Maxwell	The Wounded
X  .CL H
X--- 337,340 ----
X  \f2Guinan\f1	Whoopi Goldberg
X! \f2Gunman\f1	Thomas Knickerbocker
X! Gunton, Bob	Captain Ben Maxwell	The Wounded
X  .CL H
X*** 344,345 ****
X--- 358,360 ----
X  \f2Hayne\f1	Don Mirault
X+ Hearn, George	Berel	First Contact
X  Hecht, Gina	Manua	A Matter of Perspective
X*** 372,373 ****
X--- 387,389 ----
X  \f2Jameson, Anne\f1	Marsha Hunt
X+ \f2Jared\f1	Marcello Tubert
X  Jason, Harvey	Felix Leech	The Big Goodbye
X*** 408,409 ****
X--- 424,426 ----
X  \f2Klingon Guard #2\f1	Mirron Edward Willis
X+ \f2Klingon Monster\f1	Tom Magee
X  \f2K'mpec\f1	Charles Cooper
X*** 411,412 ****
X--- 428,430 ----
X  Knepper, Rob	Wyatt Miller	Haven
X+ Knickerbocker, Thomas	Gunman	Clues
X  Knight, Wyatt	Technician #2	Coming of Age
X*** 421,422 ****
X--- 439,441 ----
X  \f2Krag\f1	Craig Richard Nelson
X+ \f2Krola\f1	Michael Ensign
X  \f2K'Temoc\f1	Lance Le Gault
X*** 432,434 ****
X--- 451,456 ----
X  \f2Lal\f1	Hallie Todd
X+ .ne 2
X  Lambert, Paul	Melian	When The Bough Breaks
X+ 	Dr. Clarke	Devil's Due
X+ Lamey, Thad	Devil Monster	Devil's Due
X  LaMura, Mark	John Doe	Transfigurations
X*** 442,445 ****
X  Landry, Karen	Ajur	Captain's Holiday
X- Lang, Charley	Duffy	Hollow Pursuits
X  Lane, Iva	Zero Zero	11001001
X  \f2Langor\f1	Kimberly Farr
X--- 464,468 ----
X  Landry, Karen	Ajur	Captain's Holiday
X  Lane, Iva	Zero Zero	11001001
X+ \f2Lanel\f1	Bebe Neuwirth
X+ Lang, Charley	Duffy	Hollow Pursuits
X  \f2Langor\f1	Kimberly Farr
X*** 480,481 ****
X--- 503,505 ----
X  \f2Madeline\f1	Rhonda Aldrich
X+ Magee, Tom	Klingon Monster	Devil's Due
X  \f2Main Bridge Security\f1	Timothy Dang
X*** 488,490 ****
X  Markle, Stephen	Tholl	Allegiance
X! Marsh,	Leda	When The Bough Breaks
X  Martin, Nan	Victoria Miller	Haven
X--- 512,515 ----
X  Markle, Stephen	Tholl	Allegiance
X! \f2Marley\f1	William Glover
X! Marsh, Michele	Leda	When The Bough Breaks
X  Martin, Nan	Victoria Miller	Haven
X*** 495,497 ****
X  Matthew, Eric	1st Edo Boy	Justice
X! \f2Maxwell, Captain\f1	Bob Gunton
X  McBroom, Amanda	Captain Philipa Louvois	The Measure Of A Man
X--- 520,522 ----
X  Matthew, Eric	1st Edo Boy	Justice
X! \f2Maxwell, Captain Ben\f1	Bob Gunton
X  McBroom, Amanda	Captain Philipa Louvois	The Measure Of A Man
X*** 505,507 ****
X  \f2McCoy, Admiral\f1	DeForest Kelley
X! McCoy, Matt	Devinoni Rai	The Price
X  McCusker, Mary	Nurse	Evolution
X--- 530,532 ----
X  \f2McCoy, Admiral\f1	DeForest Kelley
X! McCoy, Matt	Devinoni Ral	The Price
X  McCusker, Mary	Nurse	Evolution
X*** 518,520 ****
X  McPherson, Patricia	Ariel	Angel One
X! .ne 37
X  Meaney, Colm	Battle Bridge Conn	Encounter at Farpoint
X--- 543,545 ----
X  McPherson, Patricia	Ariel	Angel One
X! .ne 38
X  Meaney, Colm	Battle Bridge Conn	Encounter at Farpoint
X*** 550,551 ****
X--- 575,577 ----
X  		The Wounded
X+ 		Clues
X  	Transporter Chief	The Child
X*** 578,579 ****
X--- 604,606 ----
X  \f2Minuet\f1	Carolyn McCormick
X+ \f2Mirasta\f1	Carolyn Seymour
X  Mirault, Don	Hayne	Legacy
X*** 625,626 ****
X--- 652,654 ----
X  Neptune, Peter	Aron	The Dauphin
X+ Neuwirth, Bebe	Lanel	First Contact
X  \f2Nibor\f1	Peter Slutsker
X*** 627,628 ****
X--- 655,657 ----
X  Nickson, Julia	Lt. Lian T'Su	The Arsenal of Freedom
X+ \f2Nilrem\f1	Steven Anderson
X  \f2Noe\f1	Richard Allen
X*** 651,652 ****
X--- 680,682 ----
X  .CL P
X+ Parker, Sachi	Tava	First Contact
X  Parros, Peter	Tactics Officer	A Matter Of Honor
X*** 696,698 ****
X  \f2Radue\f1	Jerry Hardin
X! \f2Rai, Devinoni\f1	Matt McCoy
X  \f2Ralph\f1	Peter Mark Richman
X--- 726,728 ----
X  \f2Radue\f1	Jerry Hardin
X! \f2Ral, Devinoni\f1	Matt McCoy
X  \f2Ralph\f1	Peter Mark Richman
X*** 773,775 ****
X  \f2Setal/Jarok\f1	James Sloyan
X! Seymour, Carolyn		Contagion
X  Shearman, Alan	Lestrade	Elementary, Dear Data
X--- 803,807 ----
X  \f2Setal/Jarok\f1	James Sloyan
X! .ne 2
echo "End of part 1"
echo "File sttng403d is continued in part 2"
echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp
exit 0
      harvard\     att!nicmad\          spool.cs.wisc.edu!astroatc!vidiot!brown
Vidiot  ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
      rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/ INTERNET:vidiot!brown%astroatc@spool.cs.wisc.edu

Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to