[rec.arts.startrek.info] Return of the Friendly Angel

ottoh3@CFSMO.Honeywell.COM (Otto Heuer #3) (03/13/91)

Just found a note I scribbled down after watching Entertainment Tonight
(totallt by accident--I swear) a couple of weeks ago.  It was
Melvin Belli's 83rd birthday and they were going through all the things he had done in his life.
The  the host (the blond dweeb) said, "but he was on 'Star Trek', so he's 

Melvin played Gorgon, The Friendly Angel on TOS: And the Children Shall
Lead.  He said he'd like to be in an episode of ST:TNG (as a different

		--Otto "HACK-MAN" Heuer

C, Pascal, Fortran, BASIC, Assembly Language, Snobol, Ada, APL, Prolog, LISP
Unix, MS-DOS, ProDOS       .  .   .   .... .  .   .   .   .   .   . Audio/Video
ottoh@cfsmo.honeywell.com  :..: .:.:. :    :.' .. :`.': .:.:. :`. :   Star Trek
hackman@pnet51.orb.mn.org  :  : :   : :... : `.   :   : :   : :  `:  Apple IIgs
------I speak for me and not my boss--Honeywell's gain and Usenet's loss.------

[Note - the "blond dweeb" is John Tesh, who was also on Star Trek (TNG), so
							he's also cool - ed.]

Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to