(mrichter) (03/26/91)
Article from 03/20/91 edition of Newark Star-Ledger:
*** INVISIBLE WARJET -- A team of scientists and engineers in
Whippany, N.J., has designed a revolutionary custom supercomputer
that will allow pilots to fly undetected in a plane that could the
the United States' next-generation fighter aircraft. AT&T Bell
Laboratories' "Core Processor," or CP, is the heart of the
aviation electronics system of the YF23 Advanced Tactical Fighter
being developed by the Northrop Corp. and McDonnell Douglas.
"This is the Klingon cloaking device of the future," Paul Metz,
Northrop's chief test pilot, said of the Stealth fighter plane
that is designed to see but not be seen, alluding to a
camouflaging instrument known to "Star Trek" fans. The processor,
a 300-pound, television-sized black box, can perform 11 billion
operations a second. The device took 3 1/2 years to create.
Quantum Buc
^ E-MAIL: v
^ UUCP: uunet!world!buc v
^ EPITATH: Help me! I've LEAPed into the REAL WORLD, and I can't get v
^<<<<<<<<<< out!!! v
^ v
^ REMEMBER: Every day is LEAP Day when you own a VCR :-) v
Let the pigeons loose!!!
Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
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