jdeitch@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Jonathan Deitch) (05/03/91)
Miami's Trekfest convention featuring Michael Dorn as the guest was today. Interesting notes that Mr. Dorn shared with the crowd : STVI _will_ deal with the Klingon-Federation peace treaty in some way Mr. Dorn will _not_ be in STVI in any way. The last TNG episode for the season will be about Worf's discommendation and (surprise) will be a cliffhanger. (But, then again, we already knew this ...) TNG will run until six seasons have been filmed and then it's movie time. This isn't official as in contracts are signed, but Mr. Dorn seemed pretty sure that is what would occur. 'til later ... - Jonathan PS : If Michael Dorn comes to a convention near you, GO SEE HIM !! He's a great convention guest, really at ease and with the crowd ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet : jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu | "Good musicians execute ------------------------------------------------- | their music but bad ones "I'm a Time Lord. I walk in eternity !" - Dr Who | murder it !!! " -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i. Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to trek-info-request@dweeb.fx.com