[rec.arts.startrek.info] Baycon '91

takahash@lacerta (Alan Takahashi) (06/17/91)

[The Chronicler speakath again! :-)]

   As it has gotten somewhat traditional to post a summary of the
   Rick Sternbach/Mike Okuda slide show from Baycon, I couldn't
   miss this year!  Besides, how could I let those Appendix G
   junkies down? :-) :-)

   <Insert appropiate plug for Mike Brown's STTNG Program Guide here>

   However, things have turned out a little different this year, due
   to a couple of factors:

      - I was ill, and probably wouldn't have done a good job of
	 transcribing the show... :-(

      - More importantly, neither Rick Sternbach or Mike Okuda were
	 at Baycon this year!  Conclusion: no slide show.  QED.

   Now that the bad news is over, here's a little good news.  Rick
   Sternbach *will* be at Animecon '91 (and his slide show will
   probably appear there too).  I can only imagine what's going
   to be in it (but rec.arts.anime readers should have alot of

   The upshot of this posting is: Sorry folks, but you'll have to
   wait just a little longer....

   P.S.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, or
	 haven't seen the previous 3 Baycon summaries (one for each
	 season, natch), check out the aforementioned Appendix G
	 in the STTNG Program Guide.

Alan Takahashi                          !       hplabs   amdahl
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