[rec.arts.startrek.info] The worst in rock songs

mears@hpinddf.cup.hp.com (06/17/91)

The following article appeared in the People column of the San Jose
Mercury News on 9 June 1991.  The People column is given the byline
of Jim Jeffress.

	Word escapes from New York's Hard Rock Cafe that a
	publisher threw a party there last weekend to tout
	a new book about the worst rock songs of all time.

	Bad songs were played, and a vote was taken.

	Among the candidates were Sebastian Cabot doing
	``Like a Rolling Stone,'' William Shatner rendering
	(meaning, to tear apart) ``Mr. Tambourine Man'' and
	Leonard Nimoy squealing ``Proud Mary.''

	The winner:  Chuck Berry's ``My Ding-a-Ling.''

David B. Mears
Cupertino CA

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