[soc.culture.british] CRICKET! DON'T IGNORE, IMPORTANT.

srips@walt.cc.utexas.edu (sriram.p.s) (02/19/90)


I would like to initiate a debate on starting a soc.sport.cricket.

So I request all supporters of the game to involve themselves.

Can somebody also send me details regarding starting such a news group.

Thank you!
    JAI JAYALALITHA !     *  P.S.Sriram, Biomedical Engineering Program,
                          *  University of Texas at Austin,
                          *  ENS 610
                          *  Austin, Texas 78712
                          *  Ph : (512) 471 8660.Off,(512) 476 9755.Res.
    JAI JAYALALITHA !     *  Email :srips@doc.cc.utexas.edu,srips@emx.utexas.edu

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (02/20/90)

In article <24765@ut-emx.UUCP> srips@walt.cc.utexas.edu (sriram.p.s) writes:
>I would like to initiate a debate on starting a soc.sport.cricket.


I'd support also a group called soc.sport.cricket.huh?, for the
inevitable explanations of such things as why oranges...

				  "Or is it 'whither oranges?'"