[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Optical Mouse Question

kms@uncecs.edu (Ken Steele) (02/07/90)

I recently was given a MSI m4 optical mouse.  Can it be
used with the Amiga?  What needs to be done?  Is there
any easy way to test to see if it is working?

Ken Steele   Dept. of Psychology    kms@ecsvax.bitnet
             Mars Hill College      kms@ecsvax.uncecs.edu
             Mars Hill, NC 28754    {some big name site}!mcnc!ecsvax!kms   

billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (02/13/90)

In article <1990Feb7.031801.443@uncecs.edu: kms@uncecs.edu (Ken Steele) writes:
:I recently was given a MSI m4 optical mouse.  Can it be
:used with the Amiga?  What needs to be done?  Is there
:any easy way to test to see if it is working?

	Speaking of old Mouse Systems mice... I have an m2 serial mouse.
The circuit board inside has an empty area where the chip would go if this
were a buss mouse. It also has empty areas where a couple of pullup
resitor networks would go. And finally it has an empty area for the
ten pin connector to feed the computer. Does anyone have any idea what
I'd put in there to change this sucker to a buss mouse? I'd sure like to
use it on my Amiga! :-)


     -Bill Seymour             ...tektronix!reed!percival!agora!billsey
Bejed, Inc.       NES, Inc.        Northwest Amiga Group    At Home Sometimes
(503) 281-8153    (503) 246-9311   (503) 656-7393 BBS       (503) 640-0842

liberato@drivax.UUCP (Jimmy Liberato) (02/13/90)

kms@uncecs.edu (Ken Steele) writes:

>I recently was given a MSI m4 optical mouse.  Can it be
>used with the Amiga?  What needs to be done?  Is there
>any easy way to test to see if it is working?

Megatronics (800-232-6342) advertises the M4 as an
"Amiga replacement mouse".  It is not clear if any
modifications are required.  I loathe optical mice
so I couldn't bring myself to try it.

Good Luck!

Jimmy Liberato   ...!amdahl!drivax!liberato                              

dcr3567@ultb.isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson) (02/15/90)

On the topic of Mice:

I have the Boing Optical mouse, and it hasn't worked since I got it (It
works fine vertically, but is sluggish or jitters Horizontally)  

Questions:  Is the mouse pad bad?
    If the mouse is bad, where do I send it back to get fixed?
       (I mailed in the card, but don't have any info anymore (ie: No

I purchased it from Creative Computers, do I send it back to them?

Thank you for the replies

Daniel Richardson
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Rochester Institute of Technology

perley@trub.crd.ge.com (Donald P Perley) (02/24/90)

In article <2201@ultb.isc.rit.edu> dcr3567@ultb.isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson ) writes:
>On the topic of Mice:
>I have the Boing Optical mouse, and it hasn't worked since I got it (It
>works fine vertically, but is sluggish or jitters Horizontally)  

It sounds like your pad is sideways.  On my sun mouse (also msc) the
pointer will move horizontally but not vertically if the pad is
sideways (taller than it is wide).  I know there are a couple of
revisions of the mouse/pad out, so yours might have reversed
symptoms from mine. 

-don perley

jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith) (02/24/90)

In article <2201@ultb.isc.rit.edu> dcr3567@ultb.isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson ) writes:
>I have the Boing Optical mouse, and it hasn't worked since I got it (It
>works fine vertically, but is sluggish or jitters Horizontally)  

Does your mouse work better or worse when the mouse pad is rotated 90 degrees?
The optical mouse uses a red LED and sensor for one direction and an
infrared LED and sensor for the other direction.  The grid pattern on the
mouse pad is not the same vertically as it is horizontally.  If the
mouse pad is not oriented properly (or is missing the pattern that the
infrared sensor is looking for), the mouse pointer will stop working in
one direction (but works fine in the other direction).
Joe Smith (408)922-6220 | SMTP: jms@tardis.tymnet.com or jms@gemini.tymnet.com
BT Tymnet Tech Services | UUCP: ...!{ames,pyramid}!oliveb!tymix!tardis!jms
PO Box 49019, MS-C41    | PDP-10 support: My car's license plate is "POPJ P,"
San Jose, CA 95161-9019 | humorous dislaimer: "My Amiga speaks for me."