[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Kronos and PC-mouse dying -- need Help

hoehle@hpki.sbsvax ("Joerg-Cyril Hoehle TAG-Gruppe") (03/05/90)

At first : 
   is it true that CLtd closed ? (I think I read about this in this group)

Second : 

   I discovered an incompatibility between my Kronos controller and the 
program Amouse (that allows you to emulate a PC mouse (please don't flame me 
because I use the A2088)). Here are the symptoms :
    When the Kronos controller is plugged in (with or without Autoboot, with 
or without automount), start the PC System software (from FD or HD, with or 
without PC-autoboot). Then start Amouse on the PC side and PCmouse on the 
amiga side. Use or don't use `A-p' (I have only one mouse). Try a few DIR's 
on the PC. Very soon you'll get COLORED SQUARES on the PC display screen, and 
the PC won't reboot, or the Amiga will even guru!

    This bug didn't appear before I had bought the Kronos controller, and it 
didn't either when I unplugged the controller. But : it's there even if I 
disable Autoboot (using the left mouse button).

    Here's my configuration : PAL B2000-XT, A2088, DF2:, KickV34.5&WB1.3, 
Kronos SCSI-DOS 3.0, Quantum 80S, only standard system-software (i.e. no 
other programs need to be run to make the bug appear)

Please E-mail me, and THANKS * 10000000!
Joerg Hoehle                       hoehle@hpki.cs.uni-sb.de
Universitaet des Saarlandes