d88-tpn@sm.luth.se (Thomas Persson) (03/27/90)
Hi! I have some questions about harddisks for the A500, so if someone could give some answers to them, feel free. 1. What is a filecard, and is it only for the A2000? 2. I'm thinking of buying a harddisk, for my A500, with more than 20 Mb capacity, and about 2 Mb additional RAM memory on the disk controller board. What configuration of harddisk and diskcontroller shall I buy? 3. Has anyone heard about the Gigatron's internal harddisk for the A500 (Price and size)? Thank's in advance. << Knowledge is to know how little one knows >> Thomas Persson Internet: d88-tpn@sm.luth.se Dept. of Comp. Eng. BITNET: d88-tpn%sm.luth.se@kth.se University of Lulea, SWEDEN ARPA: d88-tpn%sm.luth.se@ucbvax.berkeley.edu {uunet,mcvax}!sunic.se!sm.luth.se!d88-tpn