[net.space] Sagan

@S1-A.ARPA,@MIT-MC:amon@cmu-ri-fas.arpa (04/30/85)

From: Dale.Amon@CMU-RI-FAS

Regardless of what Sagan may have said in print, he and others are lobbying
hard at this moment to make sure the space station and not their pet
projects get the knife. I might also add that the NASA budget has just taken
a SECOND severe cut, as of Friday night; $300M in addition to the $400M
previously cut from the budget. The combined efforts of nearly ALL the other
space organizations is lobbying AGAINST his Carl's efforts.

We have raised thousands of dollars (and need many many more), mobilized
all the space organizations, are starting up the phone tree and ECOM,
notifying chapters of all organizations, have set up hundreds of direct
visits to DC offices...

Folks, this is all out war. If you want there to be any future for yourself
and your children, get off your can and DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!!!

eugene@ames.UUCP (Eugene Miya) (05/07/85)

> From: Dale.Amon@CMU-RI-FAS
> Regardless of what Sagan may have said in print, he and others are lobbying
> hard at this moment to make sure the space station and not their pet
> projects get the knife.
> ...
> Folks, this is all out war. If you want there to be any future for yourself
> and your children, get off your can and DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!!!

I feel I have to response to this emotionalism.  [First, I appreciate not have
MY slice of the pie not cut.]  Appealing to individuals and children, come on!

Recently, my Division Chief made the decision to leave NASA.  His prior
experience was running portions of several nuclear research facilities
in CA and NM.  His comment to me was that he found a great deal of
political in fighting within NASA as opposed to the L*Ls.
I suspect that a lot of this is due to the Budget cutting nature of Congress,
the BIG engineering thinking which characterizes NASA, and the fact that 
BIG money only goes to BIG projects.  [Note the case for private space.]

Most of the programs Carl tries to defend: Voyager, Nuclear Winter,
the Planetary Program, are relatively small budget items: factors of $100M,
at most, whereas the Space Station is $5B.  NW can be measured in thousands.
If you want to appeal to Congress, you should not appeal that budgets in
NASA be directed to specific program like the space station.  Instead,
[personal opinion:] cut some of the fat from DOD budgets.

--eugene miya
  NASA Ames Research Center