d88-mbe@sm.luth.se (Michael Bergman) (05/02/90)
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about A590 boot problems and also a possible remedy. It has since then come to my attention that the 12V supply voltage to the drive only affects the *Epson drives* in a way that causes trouble. All new A590s have Western Digitals in them, and they are *not* as voltage sensitive as the Epsons. I have an early unit (serno 458) and was not aware of the WD drives until just recently... when I found out that a friend of mine has 300K more storage capacity than I have. (Sigh.) If you have boot problems with your WD-drive, it's probably *not* the 12V line's fault. Mike -- Michael Bergman Internet: d88-mbe@sm.luth.se // Dept. of Comp. Eng. BITNET: d88-mbe%sm.luth.se@kth.se \X/ U of Lulea, SWEDEN ARPA: d88-mbe%sm.luth.se@ucbvax.berkeley.edu UUCP: {uunet,mcvax}!sunic.se!sm.luth.se!d88-mbe